Monday, June 30, 2008


It has been a little while since I've posted. I'll try to ketchup on some stories of things that have been going on here! Get it? Ketchup? Catch up? .....yeeeeah. :) I mainly have pictures to share, so I'll just tell stories to go along with those!

The weekend before last was the Strawberry Days Festival. I have mentioned that a few times before. The start of the festival is the big parade. Honestly, I thought our float was kind of lame... especially compared to the kinds of floats we always made in high school and college. But anyway, regardless of what I thought, we got 2nd place! I have no idea how, but I was glad we did. We had to try to mesh the theme of Strawberry Days (Alice in Wonderland) and our VBS (Power Lab). So anyway... that is why you see Alice characters along with beakers and stuff.

Matt caught me having a blast before the parade! Haha
(notice the super cool shirts that we got to wear every day of VBS....)

Justin, our associate minister, dressed as the mad scientist for VBS...

After the parade, Matt and I walked around town to check out the booths set up for the festival. We spent way too much for some corndogs and bought some Strawberry Jam and Strawberry Salsa. Yes, strawberry salsa. It is surprisingly good! I mailed some jam and salsa to my parents so if you want some you'll have to harass them for it! :)

We took a couple of pictures in the office later that day...

And of course, the goofy one!

We also had VBS last week. I just copied and pasted Matt's explanation of it from the updates that he sents his family... it is pretty funny. You can tell that VBS is not his kind of thing! :)

"This past week was crazy; unfortunately, it was Vacation Bible School...ugh. I work better with teenagers and older...I don't have the patience for little kids. If I may remind you, last summer while doing CTW at Park Avenue, similar to VBS, I was in charge of teaching the Bible class. One day I made a little boy move because he was hitting the kid next to him. He tried to stay where he was--when I picked him up to move him, he began crying. I told him he was acting like a big baby and asked him if that's what he was...he said no and stopped crying. As I said, I don't have the patience! Anyways, I was put in charge of my own group, about 6-8 of them. The first day was terrible. I had 3 boys that I was ready to pick up and throw across the room. Luckily, for the next 3 days, I had an older lady helping me. She had the mom experience and look, so they obeyed a little better. Thankfully, we made it through the stupid kids songs, messy snacks and crafts, crying, running, know, all the things little kids tend to do."

This picture was from sometime last week. Someone had told us that it is so dry here that sometimes the rain stops before it even hits the ground. Sure enough, as you can see here, the rain just seems to stop in the air! We just got a few sprinkles and that was it. Those of you who know me, know that I LOVE storms. That is one thing I miss being up here! It never storms!!! I"m still waiting on at least ONE good storm here, but I'm not sure I'm going to get one! :)

That same day, we stopped by the Hotel Colorado. You can click on the link to read more about it and some of it's history if you want. Some of it is pretty interesting. We walked in and wandered around the lobby for a while looking at things. We went up a couple flights of stairs and looked around some more then headed back. It is a pretty cool hotel! (Pretty expensive, too, I believe!)

Then we decided to be silly (imagine that) and try to make this really weird noise. It was hard to do because we had a hard time keeping a straight face! Then, we started getting choked a little! :) But here is a lovely video montage for you all. (it is kind of loud...annoying...obnoxious... so you might want to make sure your volume isn't up super high!) :)

Because I am feeling extremely lazy today for some reason, I am going to paste more of Matt's update. He tells a little bit about our weekend...

"This past Saturday, we were planning to go to an area wide event called One Homeless Night. Many youth groups in the area were getting together to spend the night in a field. We were responsible for bringing our own sack lunch and bedding (which was cardboard boxes). However, none of our kids signed up to go, big surprise, so instead, Lauren and I went to Grand Junction (about an hour and a half west of Glenwood on the Utah border) to go eat and see a movie, and get outside of this town! I believe Lauren said, "TAKE ME ON A DATE!" When I asked her where she wanted to go eat, she said, "A&W." Thank goodness for cheap girls! ;) (i resent that remark!) After eating, we went to the theater and saw Get Smart (a modern day movie based off the older tv show). We both thought it was pretty funny; I would suggest seeing it if you haven't.

Yesterday after church, Lauren and I decided to go to the Adventure Park. We rode a tram that took us by cable up the side of a mountain. At the top they have some rides, including the Swing Shot which swings you out over the edge of Glenwood Canyon--1300 feet to the canyon floor. To give you an idea of how far that is, the Empire State Building is 1250 feet tall. Also at the top is a restaurant that sits on the edge of the mountain with a great view of Mt. Sopris and Glenwood Springs. We also took a tour into the caverns that take you deep inside the mountain. We had a great time! Unfortunately, we forgot our cameras. We do plan to go back up to the restaurant sometime though, so we will take pictures then."

So there you have it! That about catches you up on what is going on here! We are working on lining up some events for the next few weeks, and working on a big "End of Summer" event.

I convinced Matt to let me video him playing some of his songs. The only reason he agreed to it is because a church in Austin asked him for some videos of him playing. Here are links to watch them on Youtube...

More Than This:

Fall Down:

Filthy Self:

And I may get in trouble from my mother for this one... but here it is anyway. You have to watch through it then you'll see what I mean...

Here are some videos that mom sent me the other day of Elijah and Judah! I can't wait to see them in August!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Summer said...

those sure are some cute boys!i love storms too - those pics are cool! we miss you!