Sunday, August 30, 2015

Products We Loved (0-3 Months)

There were a few things that we used in the first three months of Joanna's life that we loved, so I want to put those in a list! They weren't literally things we couldn't have lived without... but we were sure glad we had them!

Fisher-Price Auto Rock 'n Play Sleeper - Aqua Stone Fashion

This is what we used as our bassinet. In fact, Joanna still sleeps in it at night! In the first few weeks we loved the rocking feature and it worked wonders getting Joanna to sleep! We haven't used that feature in a long time now, but it was great when we needed it.

Joanna in the sleeper at 1-week old

Gerber Unisex-Baby Newborn 3 Pack Short Sleeve Side Snap Shirt

Before Joanna's umbilical cord stump fell off, we had trouble with some of her clothes rubbing on it and leaving stains on her clothes. In the hospital they gave us a side snap shirt that was great for allowing some fresh air to her belly, so we bought a package of them and loved them! They were easy to put on and take off, and gave her cord stump some room.

Moby Wrap MLB Edition Baby Carrier, Texas Rangers, Gray

The Moby wrap was fantastic! It was great for taking Joanna out to church or the store, and great for allowing me to get some things done around the house while keeping her close and cozy. Plus, since we have a cool Rangers wrap, Matt can wear it with pride and get in some special bonding with Joanna while holding her close!

Joanna in the wrap at 2-weeks old

Gold's Gym Stay Ball

We had an exercise ball already, but didn't realize it would be one of our favorite baby items! Especially early on (though she still likes it!) Joanna really liked to bounce, so having a giant ball to sit and bounce on was great!

HALO 100% Cotton SleepSack Swaddle

For the first few weeks, we swaddled Joanna in a regular swaddle blanket. Once she got a little bigger, though, we started using this SleepSack Swaddle and we LOVED it! She has slept in one every single night since she was just a few weeks old.

Joanna in the SleepSack Swaddle around 2-months old

Mommys Bliss Gripe Water Original

Ahh, Gripe Water. Joanna tends to get a gassy tummy and Gripe Water works WONDERS in making her feel better, and it works almost immediately.


Saturday, August 29, 2015


3 Months Old

Joanna Frances Porter
3 Months

  • She is still a great sleeper. We had a few weeks of her sleeping 10-12 hours straight every night. Now she sleeps from about 9:30pm until 6:00am, wakes up to eat, then goes back to sleep until 9:30am. She takes one longer nap around lunch time (usually around 2 hours), and takes small cat naps after that until bedtime.
  • She had her first overnight trip when we went to visit Nana & Grangoat in Gainesville. She did great on the trip, though it did throw off her sleeping schedule for a while.
  • She loves listening to music. We have “music time” every day where we dance and sing and listen. She is usually very alert and happy during this time.
  • She is very talkative! Especially in the evenings, and/or when she is on her changing table.
  • She loves to be outside. We go outside and sit in the rocking chair and she will just look around and sit quietly for a long time.
  • She still only nurses for 10-15 minutes, about every 2 hours during the day.
  • She doesn't like her car seat and car rides as much as she used to. She still isn't terrible, and she is usually fine if one of us sits in the back with her, but it isn't quite as easy as it was in the past.
  • We still swaddle her for bedtime, but she has gotten sneaky and can get her arms out now and then.
  • She likes her baths! It is hilarious to watch her relax under the warm water and watch herself in the mirror (we put the bath up on the bathroom counter).
  • She is much more alert and aware of things going on around her. She likes to lock her eyes on one of us and just follow us around the room.
  • She has gotten really good at tummy time! She still doesn't like it, but she does a great job of supporting herself.
  • She makes so many funny faces. She keeps us entertained!
  • She has the sweetest smiles! She is a pretty happy and sweet baby!

    Joanna Pictures Pt. 2

    Part 2!

    We LOVE when dad gets home from work!

    When we first started trying to put Joanna in the crib for her naps, it went GREAT. She would go right to sleep and we thought we would just have a really easy transition to the crib. Unfortunately that didn't last very long and I ended up holding her for most of her naps during the day because she would just cry and cry in the crib. For some reason, though, she's decided that she doesn't mind sleeping on her play mat. So during the days, she usually naps there while I get some things done!

    This was on our way to her first Canton football game (a scrimmage).

    She thinks ceiling fans are hilarious. And we think it's hilarious that she thinks ceiling fans are hilarious.

    She was being extra playful and silly in this picture!

    This girl does NOT like traditional tummy time. She hates it, in fact. So we have to do different things to help her exercise her muscles! Carrying her around like this has been GREAT! She loves to look around and hang out on her belly. Plus, it's a great arm workout for Matt and me! She also loves tummy time on the exercise ball. But you put this girl flat on her belly on the floor and she will let you have it!

    I pulled this seat out of the closet this week to see if Joanna was big enough for it yet. It has been GREAT! She is very content hanging out in the chair and it gives me a little bit of a break now and then!

    This was also before the football scrimmage - it just got out of order!

    Ok! My iPad is wiped clean again! I have a feeling it won't take long to fill it back up again, though!

    Joanna Pictures Pt. 1

    I'm emptying the iPad again! Buckle up!

    She LOVES being on her changing table. I don't know WHY, but she does!

    Both of my girls snoozing!

    I got sick for a few days a while back so Matt was on Joanna duty. I don't think either of them minded that arrangement! They are good buds. :)

    She can be a real bed hog sometimes...

    Penny brought Joanna a toy during play time.

    We tried cloth diapers for a few days but decided to wait a little longer before using them. They are still a little too big for Joanna. We got a kick out of them for a few days, though... this photo needs the caption, "Does this cloth diaper make my butt look big?" Yes. Yes, it does, Joanna.

    Matt and Joanna (and usually Penny) have "porch time" nearly every day now. I think all of them love it!

    Despite her shirt saying, "Oh Happy Day," this particular day was NOT a happy day! Thankfully she doesn't have days like that very often, but on this day, she was just mad about everything.

    She is a crazy sleeper sometimes, which usually results in crazy hair!


    Some of you may know about my obsession with cheap Target v-neck tshirts. I pulled one out yesterday and noticed it had holes in it. Rather than tossing it, I cut it up and made a headband for Joanna. It isn't a fancy "perfect" headband, but it's pretty cute! It helps that the girl modeling it is pretty cute!

    Sunday, August 23, 2015

    Sunday Dress

    Joanna looked so pretty in her Sunday dress that I couldn't help but take way too many pictures. :) She also makes so many cute faces that it was too hard to narrow these down to just a couple, so just enjoy them all!