Thursday, June 12, 2008


Hey everyone! I don't have any breathtaking pictures to share or amazing stories to share this time... just thought I'd tell a little bit about some random things that are going on here!

Tomorrow night a youth group from Denver is coming to Glenwood to do some hiking and rafting and they are staying the night at our building. We are going to order pizza and have a devo with them, then play some games for a while.

Then, Saturday morning we have a VBS workday... oh how we all love VBS... ..... .....


I don't know how much it is everywhere else, but gas here is $4.27!!! I'm not sure how much it is in Aspen, but we've been told it is even higher than that. Luckily, since Matt moved in with John and Diana, he is MUCH closer so we don't have to spend as much on gas.

They opened up a mountain in Aspen yesterday for SKIING because they got more snow the other day. It was pretty chilly here yesterday and I saw snow on the radar in the surrounding areas, but we didn't get any here. It is so crazy that it can still be snowing in June!! One of the families here at the church said that an old couple that has lived here for years said they have seen snow in every month of the year EXCEPT August.

Matt and I have watched a few different movies in the past few days. I'll give my take on them:
- American Gangster - it was long, but it was pretty good. It is a very serious movie. I liked it pretty well, but I wouldn't HIGHLY recommend it, necessarily.
- Cloverfield - don't waste your time! Matt and I both thought it was awful. The parts that were supposed to be scary and intense just made us laugh... don't go see it.
- Bucket List - we both really liked this one! It was funny and entertaining and kind of sad - but very good! Go rent it! (go to redbox and get it for $1 - it just came out there this week)

Coming up soon here is the big Strawberry Days Festival. It is apparently a really big deal here. I'm not really sure yet what all to expect. The church does a float for the parade. Right after the festival is when we start our VBS so we are using our float as "advertisement" for VBS. The whole festival sounds like fun, so I'm looking forward to checking it all out!

They are also doing a "Jazz in the Park" thing all summer. Matt was so excited to check it out but we found out that it is every Wednesday night at 7:00pm... right when church starts. He was especially sad about missing the guy who played last night because it was someone he had heard of before. We may have to run out there one Wednesday right after church and see if we can catch the end of someone playing. They have it at Two Rivers Park, which is where we went and ate lunch and rode bikes a couple of weeks ago. It is a really neat park.

We went bowling last night after church with the youth group kids. We had two of them show up for class, then three others that met us for the bowling ONLY. One of the kids actually called Matt to see what time class ended (to know when we were going bowling), then showed up at the bowling alley but not class. They must really have their priorities in line! :) We were pretty disappointed in the turnout, or lack thereof, for class because our whole lesson was based on discussion questions. Anyway, that being said, we still had a great time bowling! I stink at it... but it was fun!

Ok, well I think I have shared enough random stories for the day! Matt and I MIGHT do another hike on Saturday after the VBS workday. If we do, I'll be sure to bring my camera! :)

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