Monday, June 9, 2008

Hanging Lake Trail

This weekend was our first retreat with the youth group. We had some people drop out last minute (meaning, 30 minutes after they were supposed to be at the church building to leave!) so that was kind of a bummer, but we still had a great time! We only had six kids, but it was a great group. We stayed in camper cabins at Glenwood Canyon Resorts about 5-10 minutes from the building. That night we had a campfire and ate hotdogs and smores, played games and had a devotional around the campfire later that night. In the morning, we got up at ate breakfast then drove over to the Hanging Lake Trail. It is absolutely beautiful up there! It was a tough hike, but it was worth it once you get to the top!

Matt took a ton of pictures on the hike and it was hard to eliminate ANY of them! They are completely out of order, but I'll just add captions to the pictures as I go.

This was at the top of one of the waterfalls at hanging lake.

Matt and I posing for a picture. I was all wet because I had just run behind the waterfall!

The two waterfalls at Hanging Lake.

You can see here how clear the water is! Nobody is allowed to swim or fish in the lake, so it is really nice and clear. You could see the very bottom, even twenty feet in front of you!

This is behind the waterfalls. Matt saw the rainbow and caught a picture of it!

We like to call him "Mountain Man Matt".... :)

Taking a picture with the waterfalls in the background.

This is Spouting Rock. It is just an extra two minute hike from Hanging Lake. The waterfall just shoots out from the rocks! It was so cool.

There is a cave-like area behind the waterfall at Spouting Rock. This one was when we were standing underneath/behind it.

Matt and I behind the waterfall!

Stopping for a picture somewhere along the trail.

This is the water again at Hanging Lake. You can see the fish in this one.

One of the Hanging Lake waterfalls...

This is us behind one of the Hanging Lake waterfalls - it was SO COLD!

A shot that Matt took on the way up the trail...

Here is the group heading up the trail!

One of the beautiful waterfalls we saw along the trail...

Here is just a quick video that I shot at Hanging Lake...

Here is a video of the fish...

We had a great time on the retreat! All of the youth told us they enjoyed it and want to do it again sometime (not the same trail, of course). Matt and I were both pleased with the turnout of our first retreat. Hopefully by the end of the summer we can get more people to come! :) (We really have more than that that are regularly involved, but a lot of them had other things going on that weekend.)

I hope you enjoyed the pictures!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooooooo jealous!