Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Upcoming Events

We have a lot of events coming up here! Matt and I made a flyer/brochure type thing today with a list of all of the upcoming events (to go along with the ones on the BOARD) so that EVERYONE knows about them! Here is the cover I made for it: (fyi: "GYG" is "Glenwood Youth Group")

Here are some of the events we have coming up:

Saturday, June 21st
A huge festival in Glenwood Springs. It is apparently a really big deal around here. The church has a float in the parade so we will be doing that in the morning.

Saturday, June 21st
This is a big FREE outdoor Christian concert in Rifle (30 min away). We are going to head down there late afternoon/early evening and check out some of the artists. One of my favorite Christian artists is going to be there so I'm excited to check him out. (YOU can check him out if you want! Click here.)

Monday, June 23rd - Thursday, June 26th
Need I say more? Busy, busy, busy!!

Wednesday, June 25th
We are going to have the youth group kids sit down and visit with other people from the congregation... while eating ice cream! We want to especially get them talking with some of the elderly people in the congregation. We are probably going to provide some discussion questions for them to get them going. Hopefully we have a good turnout for this one... if not, more ice cream for us! :)

Friday, June 28th
The Feed My Sheep program in Glenwood Springs is putting on “One Homeless Night”. Feed My Sheep is a program that helps to take care of the homeless population here. They feed them, help them with clothes and supplies when needed. For "One Homeless Night" we will stay the night outside in a field behind a community church here. We will leave the building sometime on Friday evening and come straight from there to church on Sunday morning. We are required to bring our own sack lunch and materials and supplies to build our own shelter (or we can bring a tent). Admission is to donate some canned goods to the program. The whole thing is just to kind of raise awareness, but we are also having a big night of praise and worship while we're there. Hopefully it will be fun, and hopefully our kids will take it seriously.

Sunday, June 29th
Matt and I are going to have a meeting with the parents. Scary, I know! :) We are just going to sit down and talk with them and see what kinds of things they want to see happen with their children and the youth group as a whole this summer. We are also going to stress that we need their help and their support. Pray that this goes well!

Wednesday, July 2nd
The first Wednesday of each month we have "Family Night". John plans something that involves the whole church working together. It is really just a good time of fellowship with everyone together. Afterwards, Matt is playing and singing! We are going to try to spread the word and get the youth group kids to invite their friends!

Wednesday, July 9nd
There is an assisted living place here with only 13 residents. We are going to go put on a BBQ for them. We are going to have the youth group help cook and serve, then we are supposed to ENTERTAIN! We are still looking for some ideas for this - so please help me out! The residents range in age from 53-93. They have a game called "Remember When" that they like to play. Basically we just read "stats" from certain years, like "Remember when movie tickets were $0.50" and they just go from there. It is more of a conversation starter than a game, really. I think Matt is going to learn some oldies and play them on guitar and sing. I think they would enjoy that. But anyway, we definitely need some ideas! So let me know!

So that is all of the things that are coming up in the next couple of weeks. We are also in the process of trying to plan an "End of Summer" retreat or youth rally or something along those lines. We are still very much in the brainstorming stage, but hopefully we can come up with something soon. Ok, thats all for now! :)

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