Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Maybe he doesn't know there's a board..."

On Friday we had a group from Denver come to Glenwood Springs for a hiking/rafting trip. They stayed the night at our building, so we planned to have them here and eat, play games and have a devotional with them. Matt and I had been telling the youth group about this since we got here. Want to take a stab at how many showed up? Try none! However, I have to give PARTIAL credit to one guy who showed up for about 30 minutes. He had just gotten off work and was pretty tired. He made an effort, so I'll give him that. Needless to say, Matt and I were pretty bummed about it and, honestly, it was pretty embarrasing. Still, WE had a good time playing games and hanging out with the Denver group. Hopefully, next time we have something like that, people will show up.

Saturday morning we came back up to the building for a short VBS workday. Matt and I just worked on painting a giant sign the whole time, so it wasn't too bad. We had one thing that happened there, that is funny now, but was VERY frustrating at the time! When we got there some people started asking, "How did last night go? Did a lot of the kids show up?" We told them that nobody came and I think it was clear that we were pretty bummed about it. Then, one of the ladies there, from across the room, says real loudly, "Well my son never knows about anything! He always wonders why nobody ever invites him to anything and why he never knows what is going on!" It was frustrating already, but I calmly said, "Well we have been announcing this since we got here... for about three weeks." She said, "Well he doesn't come to class on Wednesday's so maybe that is why he never hears about things." Trying very hard, I again remained calm and said, "Well we announce it every class, and it is up on the board in there." THEN, this is the good part, she says, "Oh. Well maybe he doesn't know there is a board." .....THERE IS A GIANT WHITE DRY ERASE BOARD ON THE WALL IN THE YOUTH ROOM! Hahaha!! Matt and I were pretty frustrated during the conversation, but we couldn't help but laugh about it later. Every class period, Sunday AND Wednesday, we write the announcements on the board, then go over ALL of them before each class. Anyway, we got a good laugh out of it. During Sunday morning class Matt announced, "Just so you all know, we have all of the announcements up here on the BOARD behind me." SO, now they ALL know about the board in the room, so they have no excuses unless they just never come to class! :)

So after all of that drama, Matt and I drove to Carbondale. It is just about twenty minutes from here. We had heard about a place called White House Pizza that everyone claimed was amazing. We were also going there to see the new Indiana Jones movie. We drove around the block a few times looking for the pizza place (looking for a resturant) then realized it was actually in a big white house! It was funny because Matt said, "Well they should put it in something that doesn't look like a house!" (he was frustrated that the GPS was telling us we were there, but we couldn't find it) I kind of looked at him funny and said, "That's why its called WHITE HOUSE Pizza!" Haha, he just kind of smiled and laughed and said, "Oh..." When we walked in and got seated, a couple next to us leaned over and said, "Where in Texas are you from?" We both had confused looks on our faces because we didn't know HOW they knew we were from Texas!! We answered, then she said, "We saw your license plate when you pulled up." They were from Lousianna and I guess were just visiting on vacation. We talked to them some and told them about what we were doing for the summer and they were just a really nice couple. Later on, the waitress came by to check on us and leaned down and whispered, "Just so you know, that couple picked up your tab." We weren't sure what to do, because we figured their intentions were for us to not know until they had left. At the same time, we hated knowing that they had done such a nice thing, and not to say anything! Plus, their table was right next to ours so we couldn't really discuss it. Before we could really make any decisions, they got up to leave and came over and gave us a box of leftover pizza. We just thanked them and told them how nice it was to meet them, and so on. After they left, the waitress came back and said, "Did you know those people?" We told her we didn't and she just kind of shook her head and said, "Good people..." We agreed. :) The rest of the time we were there, and even after that, Matt and I would just randomly say, "They were nice people." Haha, anyone can make a big impression when they buy college kids a meal! So anyway, we were very thankful for their kind action.

We both really liked the Indiana Jones movie! It, of course, had its cheesy unbelievable scenes, but it wouldn't be Indiana Jones if it didn't! I would recommend seeing it!

I was sick on Sunday with some kind of stomach bug, so I didn't do much. Matt and I just sat around (on opposite sides of the couch, haha) all day watching movies. One of the movies that we watched that I really liked was "Sahara". If you haven't seen it, it is a good one to rent!

I have a few more stories to tell, but one of them requires pictures that I don't have with me right now. I will try to get them at lunch so I can update again. :)

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