Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What All Did Ginny Do Today?

She went outside for a short walk EARLY in the morning.
She ate her food WAY too fast when she came back in.
As a result of the last thing, she threw up on the living room floor.
She played "fetch" with a tennis ball.
She went outside on the balcony and watched all the cars passing by and LOVED it.

She went in several times to check on Matt because he is sick today. (She can open the bedroom door if there isn't something holding it shut on the other side)
She went for a ride in the car and kept her head out the window the ENTIRE time.

She sat on the floor with me and kept pestering me to keep petting her.
She fell asleep with her head rested on my feet and it was VERY cute.

She just went for a walk and had dinner and is now laying on the floor resting (like in the picture above!). She sure is cute. :)

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