Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Toys

Ginny got some new toys yesterday and she LOVES them! She got SO excited when we gave them to her in the apartment. So today we took her outside to play with them and we took a few pictures.

You can clearly see in this picture how VERY athletic she is..... HA! Rarely does she actually CATCH the ball. She misses and runs into the fence or the wall or the ground. She has a good time though! She got new tennis balls made for dogs. She destroyed her regular tennis balls... so hopefully these will last a little longer!

She also got a frisbee! We didn't know if she'd be interested in a frisbee or not, but she LOVES it! Again, she can't catch it (not yet, anyway) but she loves to chase it.

This one shows her athleticism again... ;-)

This was when she was starting to wear out a little, so I got a picture of her and Matt.

She had a pretty good time! :)

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