Friday, October 8, 2010

Ginny Meets Vacuum Cleaner

Lots of posts about Ginny, I know. :) She is about all that is going on with us right now! It was a pretty rough week around our apartment! Monday night (the night we got her) Matt started feeling sick to his stomach and ended up being up all night long back and forth to the bathroom. He was sick almost all week! He still doesn't feel 100% but he is MUCH better now! So picture Matt being VERY sick.... then add a new dog (a BIG dog) to the mix that wants to play and get in his face and who is still learning the rules and you have one grumpy husband! :) Now that he is feeling better they are getting along more. :)

She still has a lot to learn, but she is really learning very quickly. She is a really good, sweet dog and I think she is really smart. The only issue we're seeing is that we're not sure how well she gets along with other dogs. She seems to get a little more aggressive when she sees another dog. Her paperwork and her previous owner say that she gets along fine with other dogs... so hopefully thats true. We are going to try to take her to a dog park this weekend sometime to "socialize" her some and see how it goes.

Occassionally she just kind of acts like a dummy and will start rolling around and chasing her tail or something then she'll just freeze. The other day she froze on her back and just stayed there for several minutes. She was perfectly comfortable just like this!

Ok, so you're probably wondering about the title of this post... so I'll get to it! This is actually her SECOND experience with the vacuum cleaner but we didn't get the first one on video. She basically had the same reaction though! She definitely wanted to stay BEHIND me, but her reaction is so funny when it came right at her!
Notes about the video: It is pretty loud. We had the washing machine, dishwasher and then the vacuum cleaner going. Plus we used the digital camera and it squeals the whole time. Also, you might notice the hole right in the middle of the front of my shirt.... we were out in the "dog area" at the apartments today playing and she tore a whole in my shirt. :( Anyway, enough delay - here is the video!

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