Monday, October 25, 2010

Pictures of Ginny

Here are a few newer pictures of Ginny! She is such a sweet dog! Once it gets to be around 8:00pm Matt starts saying it is "HIS" dog. At night she gets so calm and sweet and loves to cuddle. When she is hyper and crazy he says she is MY dog. :)

In this picture she had been playing with my feet and petting herself with my shoes and rolling around on them... she LOVES feet for some reason. She finally wore herself out and rested her head on my shoe and it was so cute!

This was the night that the Rangers made it to the WORLD SERIES! WOOHOO! She was EXTRA sweet and was cuddling with Matt.

I caught them playing here. :)

Ok. She is really is weird sometimes. She fell ASLEEP like this. This is not an "action" shot where she was playing and rolling around... she was sleeping like this. Weirdo! (at least TRY to ignore the dirty dishes and cups on the coffee table, haha!)

Just being sweet... :)

And again....

This was also the night that the RANGERS MADE IT TO THE WORLD SERIES! WOOHOO! (Can you tell I'm excited??) She came and rested her head in my lap and watched with me. She didn't know what to think when Matt and I were jumping around at the end of the game. :)

Caught Matt playing with her again... :)

When you lay on the floor next to her, she will wrap her paw around your arm...

She lays on her back quite a bit. When she is playing with her toys she'll roll around on her back and sometimes she'll roll over then just FREEZE that way. Sometimes she'll stay that way for quite a while!

So anyway, there is your update on Ginny! Matt and I both have the day off today and we're about to take her to the dog park. She LOVES to run!! And BOY IS SHE FAST! :)

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