Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Yesterday, a family from the church called us up and invited us to go rafting with them. They had five kids along with them, so by the time we added the guide there were ten of us in the raft total. We had a great time and went through some pretty awesome rapids!

Do you remember the videos I posted a while back of the huge rapids in Glenwood? The ones with the kayakers and surfers? We went through that one! I think everyone in Glenwood Springs has seen a raft flip over in that rapid... whether in person or one of the many videos on YouTube. So, needless to say, it was pretty intense! One of the kids, the youngest I think, really freaked herself out before we got there. She had tears streaming down her face before we even got to the rapid. It turned out to not be that bad. It was definitely a fun one though, and we definitely got wet!

The oldest boy in the family is in the youth group. He has a real dry sense of humor and a lot of people don't get him. If you really listen to him though he is pretty hilarious! This story would be a lot better if you had met him, but through the entire first rapid he sat behind me paddling and singing, "What can you do with a drunken sailor? What can you do with a drunken sailor?" Over and over again without missing a beat! We were laughing SO HARD! He never cracked a smile or really even acknowledged that we were laughing.

Also, a little way into the trip it started RAINING! It had rained and stormed a little earlier in the day, but we thought it had all cleared out. It actually made it pretty fun, I thought. It also made it pretty cold though. :) The rain didn't last long though and the sun came back out pretty quickly.

Anyway, we had a great time! We are talking about doing the more intense rafting trip sometime before the end of the summer. Apparently it is pretty hardcore, but I think it would be fun. PLUS, on Sunday a lady came up to me at church and handed me an envelope and said, "I thought you and Matt might like to go rafting sometime." Not knowing anymore about what it was, I just talked to her for a little while and thanked her for the envelope. Later, when I opened it up (I expected it to be coupons or discounts or something) I found that it was for TWO FREE rafting trips! We were so excited! So now I will have to tell her "thank you" again! So anyway, we will have to make at least one more rafting trip before the end of the summer! :)

I'll leave you with a video from YouTube of a raft trying to go through the Whitewater Park in Glenwood (the one I mentioned earlier). Keep in mind, we had ten people paddling in our boat... and this raft only had one... so they weren't very smart. :)

1 comment:

Summer said...

I LOVE rafting! I've only been twice but would love to do it again! We miss you too and can't wait to see you in a month. Elijah loved his card you sent him with the scuba diver. :-) Love you!