Sunday, July 13, 2008

Biking the Canyon

Yesterday Matt and I had two options for our day. We could go rafting using our free pass that the lady gave us at church, or we could take the bike shuttle up through the canyon and ride the 12 miles back down. Both sounded like good options to us. We decided to go with the rafting, so we went to the place to check out times for later in the afternoon. TURNS OUT the coupons are only good Monday thru Friday. We were a little bummed, but we could still go biking! So we called up the place that had the bike shuttle, and the last shuttle for the day was leaving in about 15 min. We were certainly not ready, so we went ahead and declined.

We already had our heart set on doing something, so we decided to just drive into the canyon a little ways and still ride the trail. The trail runs alongside the river for approximately 12 miles through the canyon. We rode for 8 miles and enjoyed the nice trail. We saw some AMAZING rapids like you wouldn't believe, a few of which we will be rafting through on our next trip. We may try to go rafting tomorrow afternoon if they have some open spots, but I'll let yall know. Here are some pictures from our ride.

On Tuesday this week Matt and I are driving to Durango to meet up with his family. They are there on vacation so we are going to spend a couple of days with them. It will be nice to see some familiar faces! :) Believe it or not, there is only a month left before we come home! We are certainly enjoying our time here, and of course enjoying the amazing scenery and weather - but it will be nice to be back home with our families.

Well that is all for now! :)

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