Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mesa Verde

Last week Matt and I drove to Durango, CO to meet up with his family for a few days while they were on vacation. During our time there we went and visited Mesa Verde and the cliff dwellings. We had a really great time and the cliff dwellings were so neat! Matt took a ton of pictures, so I had to narrow them down quite a bit to be able to share some with you on the blog! Here is a slideshow with a bunch of the pictures from the trip.

Here are some of my favorites:

Cliff dwellings....

This is a place in the side of the rock that the natives used as a "grip" while they were walking up a very steep section of the cliff. It is weird how you can actually see exactly where their fingers pressed into the rock.

One of the many amazing views we had. You can see where it was raining off in the distance.

Another amazing view...

The gang... :)

More of the cliff dwellings...

Climbing down a ladder to go to a round room under the ground that they used for ceremonial things...

Renee and I enjoying the views...

More cliff dwellings...

We had a really good time on our trip. I know Matt was especially happy to see his family since we haven't seen them all summer! It was also good timing because we were able to surprise them with our engagement. :) All in all it was a great trip!

If you want to read up a little more on Mesa Verde or the Cliff Dwellings, click here.

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