Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Deer Run

As I've said before, Matt and I see deer out here nearly every day. When we pulled up at the house yesterday the deer were just hanging out in the driveway and the yard. We pulled out the camera but had to snap pictures pretty quickly before they got behind the trees. The lighting is kind of funny on this one because of the sun being so bright, but its still a cool picture!

Here is one just walking across the road!

Ok... I am a little embarrased about this one but it is too funny to not share! The deer that we had seen earlier had "pranced" off into the trees and it was so funny! It looked like a cartoon because they were just hopping up the mountain with their legs together. Matt and I thought it was so funny! SO, a little later in the evening we noticed they were out in the yard again. We kind of wanted to see them prance again so I told Matt to go up on the balcony and video tape and I would run down the driveway making noises and see if they would prance... good idea, I know.

SO, here is the video. A few things to note:
1. The driveway is VERY steep and I was running uncontrollably downhill the entire time (and had a hard time running back UPhill!)
2. Notice the deer that runs to the left side of the screen and jumps the fence (he comes back later to get me)
3. Although it doesn't look close in the video, the deer that comes back at the end was VERY close to me and we both thought he was trying to attack and kill me.

I'm retarded, I know... I'll save yall the time of leaving me comments that say "You're retarded." :) STILL, regardless of how retarded it is, this video gave us a good laugh! I hope you enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Can't resist. As your Mom I can say - You ARE retarded - but I still love you.

Summer said...

Wow, that was intense. :-) What a FREAK you are!