Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Athens & Record Player

I just got back home from spending a few days with Matt and his parents in Athens. We got to spend a lot of time together just hanging out and taking it easy! I'll tell you about a few of the things we did.

On Saturday night, Matt played electric guitar with the praise band at a church in Athens for a building dedication thing they had. His brother and sister-in-law came in to hear him play. The whole ceremony wasn't at all what we were expecting, but Matt did a good job. The best part was that we got an unexpected free meal! :) When that was over we drove to Waco to stay the night with Josh and Carly.

We drove to Waco because we had to get up Sunday morning and drive to Austin for Matt to check out a church there that is interested in hiring him during the school year. It was a very interesting church, but we both really enjoyed it. It was only about 20-30 people there and they met in a house (or rather, a mansion!). They are real focused on outreach and getting people (youth, especially) involved. They are looking to hire Matt to be an outreach minister. He would probably do a lot of communications and planning events and things like that. Anyway, we both enjoyed our visit with them, and hopefully they can work something out and maybe give Matt a job!

We visited with people there for so long, that we didn't get back on the road until around 2:15ish. We stopped in Round Rock to get some "famous" Round Rock Donuts. We got a dozen glazed donuts to take back to the house, then Matt and I each asked for a dozen donut holes. Instead, I think we got about four dozen donut holes!! I don't know if the guy there messed up, or was just feeling generous, but we got a bag FULL of donut holes! We didn't complain much... my STOMACH did (after eating about two dozen) but I didn't. :)

As if we hadn't had enough sweets, we decided to stop at the Dublin Dr. Pepper Museum around Waco. We didn't go into the museum, we just went to the fountain area. We each got a Dr. Pepper float and it was soooo good! So then, as you can imagine, we were pretty miserable! :) It was certainly worth it though.

Last night, Matt and I made dinner. We made poppy seed chicken without the poppy seeds. :) Haha! Afterwards, I finally convinced Matt to play his trombone for me! I'd been asking him a lot lately if he would play his "horn" for me, and he finally gave in. He played his trombone and his euphonium for me! He tried to teach me how to play, but I was no good. Finally, on euphonium, I think I got out ONE note. It was a B flat if I remember correctly. :) Matt's dad heard him playing and decided to get out some old tapes of Matt playing in high school and at SFA so we watched those for a while. He had a lot of solos that were fun to watch. We soon progressed from videos of concerts to videos of old family vacations. Haha, those turned out to be pretty entertaining.

So anyway, I got up this morning and Matt made me breakfast then I headed home. I got into some real bad storms and rain along the way, which wasn't fun, but I made it back home safely! :)

ON ANOTHER NOTE, I have a new edition to my room. It's a record player! My mom's aunt, Virginia, passed away a few weeks ago and when we were cleaning out her house I kind of jokingly said that I wanted it. The joke slowly turned into me SERIOUSLY wanting to take it home! My parents said that if I could find room for it in my room that I could take it. It works perfectly and has a record player, 8 track player and a radio. It's pretty cool. :)

Well that is about it for now! Pretty soon I am going to work on a new, more "summer-ish" layout for my blog. It's not long before we will head to Colorado! Eleven days, actually! It will be here before I know it. I'll keep yall updated!

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