Friday, May 23, 2008

ATTENTION: Mountain Lions in this Area

Hey everyone! Matt and I are finishing up our first week here in Glenwood Springs and things are still going great! We have seen a couple of foxes and quite a few deer, but no bears or mountain lions yet! ;) Anyway, here are a few pictures and videos that I wanted to share.

This is Sopris with the clouds coming in on top of it...

This sign is posted right as you enter the neighborhood where Matt is staying. The top says, "ATTENTION: Mountain Lions in this Area". Whereas I certainly don't want to come in contact with a mountain lion, I think it would be pretty cool to see one in the distance (while remaining safely inside the vehicle) Haha :) I am kind of a spaz about it because anytime I see anything that looks even remotely like an animal I get all excited. Usually it ends up being a rock or a dog or something... but Matt finds it amusing, I think.

The Colorado River is really high right now. Apparently they had a whole lot of snow this past winter and now that it is getting hot, it is all melting and the river is moving pretty fast! There is a kayak park real close to the church building so Matt and I went to watch some of the people yesterday evening.

Here is a guy that ended up flipping over...

Then, as we were leaving to go get some food a guy in a truck in front of us started pulling a SURF BOARD out. Our curiousity got the best of us so we rolled down the window and asked him if he was about to surf out there. He said that it would take him about twenty minutes to get ready but then he would be out there. We were pretty hungry so we ran and got some Moe's and went back to watch him.

Here he is surfing the Colorado River!

Anyway, we have been having a blast so far. We have a few hiking trails that we are looking forward to doing, including one up to Doc Holiday's grave. It is pretty cold today, so we will have to wait for it to warm up a little before we do those! We also want to eventually check out the Hot Springs Pool. We have been told that it is pretty neat.

We went yesterday to check out a program called "Feed My SHeep". They feed, clothe, and serve people from the homeless community in Glenwood Springs. We talked to them about ways we can help and maybe get the youth group involved in helping as well. One of our goals for the summer is to get the youth involved in the community.

Ok well, I will try to keep updating yall with pictures, videos and stories so keep checking back!

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