Saturday, May 22, 2010

Foot Update

Are you ready for a really weird story? Honestly, this could only happen to ME. Let's rewind. In 2004, I had surgery on my right foot to have a sesmoid bone removed. It is a small, round bone right below your big toe. There are TWO of those bones, and it isn't all that uncommon that they have to remove one. Mine was shattered and they had to pick out the pieces of the bone to remove it all.

Fast forward to now. Since the accident, my foot has been hurting me quite a bit. It is kind of off and on pain, but when it is ON, I can barely walk. I went to a podiatrist to have it checked out. I told them about my previous surgery and the pain that I am having now. They did x-rays then I sat down to visit with the doctor. He felt around on the bottom of my foot and we determined the exact place that was causing me pain. He had a confused look on his face then stood up and said, "Let me go take a look at those x-rays." In a minute he comes back and feels of my foot again. He then proceeds to tell me that I still have BOTH of my sesmoid bones. Hmm. He told me he can feel them in my foot and that he could see them clearly in the x-rays. I was just completely baffled and didn't know WHAT to think! He invited me to look at the x-rays myself, and sure enough, both sesmoids are there.... and one of them is fractured!

We called the doctor's office who did the surgery and requested the records from the surgery. They kindly faxed us the information and the documentation clearly states that the bone was REMOVED. So what in the world is going on here?! I have no idea. We are going to try to get in with the podiatrist here again and just see what might be going on. The bad thing is, the doctor thinks that, ultimately, I will have to have the bone removed.... for the second time.

This has been a crazy week and this just tops it off! I'm interested to find out what all comes of this situation. I'll be sure to keep yall updated!

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