Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Orleans Mission Trip

There is a small group from our church here in Austin that is taking a mission trip to New Orleans Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately I won't be able to go (but it is because I got a job - yay!) but Matt is still going. There are some of the youth who are in need of financial support. The cost per person is $150. Sonrise was gracious enough to give enough money to fully support Matt and to help some with the cost of someone else's trip, but there is still a great need for some of the others. If anyone feels compelled to pitch in and support any of our teens, I know they would appreciate it! :) Let me know if you're interested in helping out. Thanks!

Click HERE to see a video about the church that they would be assisting. (This is also the same church that Matt and I visited over a year ago and considered working with for the summer)

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