Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fan in need of a tan!

Matt and I went to a Round Rock Express game on Thursday night because we thought it was the night where you get free umbrellas. We got there early because usually on promotion nights it fills up a little faster. We walked in and we didn't see anyone handing out umbrellas or anything so we stopped to check the calendar to see if we just misread it or something. As we were standing there, two girls walked up to us and asked Matt if he would like to be the "Fan in need of a tan" and win a month of free tanning. Haha! We laughed about it for a little while then he agreed to do it. After the second inning they put him up on the big screen and introduced him as the fan in need of a tan! :) It was pretty entertaining. The funny thing is that after we sat down Matt said, "I sure hope I don't see anyone here that I know!" A few minutes later we heard someone say, "Hey man you're in my seat" and we turned around and the youth minister from Belton was there with his youth group and they were sitting in the section right next to us! Haha! They thought it was hilarious that Matt was going to be on the big screen and kept poking fun at him, but after the camera guy got Matt on the big screen, he turned around and got their group too. :)
Now, Matt isn't going to go to the tanning beds, and I am certainly tan enough that I don't need to BUT.... I have these awful tan lines that I need to get rid of! So I figure I can go a couple of times just to get rid of these lines before the wedding!

Check out these tan lines! :(

YIKES! I definitely need to do something about that! ;-)
Here is a silly picture of Matt at the Round Rock game... :) Haha!

Oh yeah, umbrella night was Friday night (the next night) but Thursday was Lotto ticket night. Sounds boring, I know, but I ended up winning $20 on a scratch off! So it wasn't too bad. :) Except for that the Express lost....

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