Friday, May 6, 2011


Yay! Ok, let me tell you all a little bit about my new job! I am going to be working at Austin Grad, with Matt! I will be on the other side of the building, so I won't have to see him all the time. ;-) I'll be the "Assistant Registrar". Austin Grad is making several changes and people are kind of moving around some and taking on new responsibilities, so it is going to be a big transition for everyone. I will basically be doing most of the responsibilities of a registrar under the supervision of the CURRENT registrar while she moves her focus a little more toward recruiting. Matt has told me this before, and I was reminded again in my meeting with them yesterday that nobody has just ONE job... they all wear a lot of different hats. I will start in about a week and work until 2pm for a couple of weeks to allow me to still drive to Lakeway and watch the kids until the end of the month, then start full time at Austin Grad. I'm really excited about the job, and it seems like there could be a lot of cool opportunities for both of us at Austin Grad in the future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it had been so long that I stopped checking your blog every day and then I checked and there were THREE new posts!! Amazing!