Monday, May 30, 2011

Notice Anything?

Renee, Matt's mom, brought me a plant last weekend. Matt started making jokes about how she was killing it by giving it to me... I've only had a couple of plants before and I always forget to water them. I was DETERMINED to keep this one alive and I did NOT forget to water it... but I think I OVER watered it. :( It looks pretty sad. We were out of town this weekend so it didn't get watered at all, but the soil was still pretty moist when I went out to check on it this morning. While I was out there, I noticed that something looked kind of funny... notice anything?

What about now?

Let's look a little closer...

Yep! There is a frog camping out in my plant! He's a cute little guy... :)

Ginny hasn't discovered the frog yet... and hopefully she won't. :)

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