Saturday, July 17, 2010

Little Rock Trip - Part 2

After eating at Moe's, we drove to the downtown area and walked around for a little while. We had plans to go out to eat that evening but we were worn out!! We called Pappa Mac and Jill to see if they were busy (since they weren't expecting us until late that evening) and since they weren't, we headed to their house early. We enjoyed visiting with them that evening then went to bed fairly early since we were ALL pretty worn out!

We got up the next morning and went to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast. Matt and I had never been before. It was DELICIOUS! After that we rode the trolly over to the Clinton Library. We had never been, plus there was an exhibit there called "Nature Unleashed" that I really wanted to see. On our way up to the front doors, Jill and I (being the animal lovers that we are :)) noticed this little tree frog hanging out on the side of the building!

Here we are looking around at the Library.

While we were inside the Library, we noticed the Arkansas Queen passing by so we all stopped to watch it.

Replica of the Oval Office

Matt and I always joke around about my silly sunglasses ($6 at Walgreens) so we thought it was especially funny when we saw this exhibit! Displayed are the sunglasses Bill Clinton wore when he was playing the sax in the pictures above them. They looked JUST like mine, although I'm sure his cost more than $6. ;)

Here is the Razorback submarine that Pappa Mac worked on! He was able to point out some of the places that he helped work on. It was really neat!

Here is Matt and I with the Little Rock skyline behind us... Matt couldn't keep his eyes open :)

...and with the river behind us. Again, Matt couldn't keep his eyes open! Haha! I told him I would draw some sunglasses on for him, but he declined. :)

We saw a barge passing by when we were walking around. I thought it was so neat! They are so huge! Pappa Mac was telling us that sometimes there will be several of them attached together going down the river.... six of them, maybe? I can't remember, but one was neat enough!

The "little rock" that gave Little Rock its name!

After we "toured" Little Rock, we went back to the house to rest for a while! That evening, we all went to see Toy Story 3 in 3D! That was the first time I had ever seen a movie in 3D and it was pretty cool! There wasn't a whole lot that really popped out, and Matt said it didn't have as many cool 3D effects, but the movie itself was SO GOOD! We really enjoyed it and we all got a good kick out of it.

This is Pappa Mac & Jill's "shy" cat, Shadow. We hardly ever see her when we visit, but she made quite a few appearances while we were there! She even sat in my lap and let me pet her for a few minutes. I couldn't believe it!

We sat outside in the atrium for a while on Sunday and got to visit with each other and enjoy the somewhat cool weather that day! Here's Matt...

and me...

and Pappa Mac...

and Jill...

and the bipolar cat, Blue... :)

On Sunday evening, Matt and I cooked dinner for Pappa Mac & Jill. It was the least we could do considering all of the wonderful meals they cooked for us, and for letting us stay with them for three nights and for entertaining us while we were there! :) A while back, we found a recipe that looked really good and we wanted to try it. The problem was, the recipe called for salmon and we only had tilapia, and the recipe said to grill it, but we can't have a grill.... so we used our tilapia and we baked it, and it still turned out wonderful! We make it all the time now and we love it, so we made it for them. I guess the name of it would be "Lemon and Caper Tilapia with Rosemary". That is a mouthful, I know... but its the best I could come up with. :)

Here it is just before we put it in the oven...

The finished product!

We finished it off with some Tres Leches cake with fresh strawberries!

We got up early on Monday morning and said goodbye to Jill before she left for work, then Pappa Mac took us to Cracker Barrel for some breakfast before we hit the road.

We had a REALLY great time! We enjoyed Little Rock and we ESPECIALLY enjoyed our time we got to spend visiting with Pappa Mac and Jill! Pappa Mac pointed out that they hadn't met "the Porters" yet. :) Thanks for letting us stay with yall! We love you!

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