Here is a picture of our bedroom. There is also an office with closets off one side of the room, and a bathroom with a jacuzzi tub on the other!
Just around the corner from the bedroom is this nice sunroom/sitting area.
This is the upstairs hallway. Our room is off another little hallway on the right side of this picture.
This is the living room when you first walk into the house...
Matt outside of the house.... with the sun in his face :)
Me outside of the house...
I think this is us after the FIRST time we used the jacuzzi tub (out of about 6 times, haha!). When we were about ready to leave the B&B Matt said, "I'm going to miss that jacuzzi tub!" It really was nice!
That evening we went to Murry's Dinner Playhouse for dinner and a play! Here is Matt all ready to go!
The play was a comedy called "Red, White and Tuna". It was really funny! It is just two guys who play all the different parts.
We found our reserved table for the Porters! :)
Getting ready for the play to start...
We really enjoyed the play! Matt said he felt like we were old people on vacation... going to a dinner play and staying at a bed and breakfast. ;-) Regardless, we REALLY enjoyed both of those things! :)
The next morning we had breakfast brought up to our room. It. Was. Delicious. When we checked in, the woman mentioned that they would probably do ham and cheese croissants. That sounded good, but not as "fancy" as I had thought. Well, I was wrong. It was a very fancy and VERY DELICIOUS ham and cheese croissant! Along with seasoned scrambled eggs, possibly the best banana nut bread I've ever had, a cup of fresh fruit, orange juice, milk (for me) and coffee (for Matt). Mmmm... it was so good! (Have I mentioned that it was delicious?) :)
This is us being excited about our breakfast....
Matt didn't leave a single crumb on his plate! :)
So what did we do after breakfast? Another jacuzzi bath, of course! We only stayed there one night, but I seriously think we took four or five baths! But this time.... we decided to add bubbles. :) That tub was nearly overflowing with bubbles! Childish, sure.... but we had a blast! :)
Matt may have had a little TOO much fun..... HAHAHA!
Later that morning we drove over to see Central High School in Little Rock. Just across the street from the school is an old gas station that has been restored to look like it was originally built. 22 1/2 cents per gallon! Ha!
Here we are in front of the high school...
We couldn't get the whole thing, but Matt got a pretty cool panoramic picture of the school. We went through the visitors center and read a bunch of articles and saw some videos about the "Little Rock Nine" and what all they went through. We had heard the stories, but being there really put it all into perspective. I'm really glad we went there. It was really sad, but really neat to see how much the courage of those nine children changed our world today.
After that, we went to the Aerospace Museum. They had some neat exhibits there.... just not a whole lot of them. We joke that it wasn't the most exciting part of our trip. :) While we were there, we also saw an IMAX movie called "The Living Sea". It was pretty neat, but also pretty dated. So, whereas it certainly wasn't our favorite part of the trip, it made for some good laughs for us. :) Here are a couple of pictures from the museum...
Elijah, this one is for you... ;-)
After the museum, Matt took me for my Super Spectacular Secret Surprise that he'd been telling me about for weeks! He wouldn't give me any clues or anything! The morning of my Super Spectacular Secret Surprise he told me that it was a place to eat so that we could plan out our day around it, but that is all I knew. When I saw what it was I was SO excited! I LOVE Moe's! There was one in Edmond that I used to go to when I was at OC. That was my first experience with Moe's. Then, we went to Glenwood Springs for the summer and they have the ONLY Moe's in the whole state of Colorado (or at least it USED to be the only one). Then, we moved to Austin and there was a Moe's there (one out of only 3 in Texas), but then it closed down after only a few months of us being there. I was so sad. The only Moe's currently listed in Texas are in San Antonio and Longview. Anyway.... as you can probably tell, I really like eating at Moe's. :)
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