Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Pregnancy Updates: 29 weeks

I'm in week 29! That's kind of hard to believe. The beginning of this pregnancy was so slow, probably due to morning sickness. Most of the second trimester kind of seemed to fly by. I know the bigger I get, the more time will start to drag near the end of the pregnancy.

Penny snuggled up next to my belly on Sunday and took an afternoon nap.

Overall, I'm still feeling pretty good. I got back on medicine for morning sickness and I immediately started feeling better. I've had some on and off back pain, but nothing unusual for pregnancy, I don't think.

I saw a chiropractor yesterday and am really excited about working with her in the future. I've seen a chiropractor once before, and noticed a difference in how I felt, but they have always wanted to set up a ridiculous schedule that isn't reasonable or affordable for us. This chiropractor was great and suggested a really reasonable plan for us. She loves what she does, has a special passion for working with pregnant women, was referred to me by the doctors at my office (they all had great things to say about one another), and we just got along really well. I'm hopeful that some time with her will help with my back pains.

Matt and I did some shopping in Tyler yesterday and made the mistake of going to a Carter's outlet store. People... some of those clothes are so stinkin cute. We resisted the urge and didn't buy anything, but it was tough. The "clothes bug" hit me a few weeks ago, but so far we haven't bought any clothes for her. But.... we look.... and oooh & aaahh a lot.

Things will start getting a little crazy soon. We are participating in LTC (Leadership Training for Christ) with the church, so that will keep us pretty busy over Easter weekend and the days leading up to it. We have a few other things scheduled for weekends in April and early May, all along with trying to get things set up in the nursery and preparing for the newest Ms. Porter! Buckle up!

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