Monday, March 9, 2015

7 Months Pregnant!

Today marks 7 months pregnant! Hello, third trimester.

Who wants to compare the baby's size to a fruit or vegetable when you could compare it to a.... Chihuahua? I signed up for some "serious" weekly baby updates, but also subscribe to one called Pregnant Chicken. The language is usually pretty foul, but it is also usually pretty entertaining. This was the picture that greeted me when I opened up today's update.

Overall, things are still going pretty well. I have trouble sleeping on and off, but it hasn't been too bad at this point. I'm definitely noticing that I'm having trouble getting around as easily as before. It isn't uncommon for me to need to ask for a little bit of help getting up or picking something up off the floor. I could still manage it, but if someone else is around, I'll take the help! Stretch marks made their debut this weekend despite my faithful application of a DIY Pinterest miracle cream. I'm not crazy about them, but I don't think I'll lose too much sleep over it.

I've said this before, and I know I don't have anything to compare her to, but I think this little girl is super-girl in there! She doesn't stop moving and her kicks are so strong. Sometimes her kicks will shift my entire upper body. She is a wild child already! It has gotten to where we can tell when we're feeling a hand or foot versus a head or a butt. It is pretty neat!

We have an appointment this week and I have to take the glucose test. Yuck! The nurse gave me the flavor options of orange or fruit punch. I asked if one was better than the other and her response was, "Uh, no. They're both disgusting." So as you can imagine, I'm really looking forward to it. Matt and I have been trying to watch our sugar intake for a little while now (HUSH to those of you who saw me inhale that sopapilla yesterday), and I'll be even more aware of it this week, so hopefully we won't have any issues with the test. We are hopefully done with ultrasounds now (assuming we can avoid any future issues), so there likely won't be any more pictures of the baby until she arrives.

The nursery is no longer a mostly-empty room in our house. We are thankful for this baby's aunts, uncles, and grandparents for helping us stock up on things. We now have a crib, toys, books, diapers, clothes, and lots of other things! I guess the craziness starts now, as we start going through things and trying to get organized.

As we went through clothes that sweet Evie (and her parents, of course) were nice enough to share with us, Matt picked out a few that he gave a big "NO" to. I may not fight him too much on the ruffles, but I'll keep working on the Texas A&M dress... I think that one is pretty cute! ;)

Speaking of Matt, I sure do like that guy. I can't imagine doing any of this without him! He has been so helpful in taking care of me, taking care of housework when I'm too tired, working on beautiful projects for the nursery, and just loving our little family! And of course he keeps me laughing (I mean, just look at that picture above one more time). I got so tickled at him this weekend when he was feeling the baby kick. She was a busy girl in there and Matt kept saying, "What in the world is she doing in there? Is she doing cart-wheels? Good grief!" She gave him another show last night with lots of kicks, punches, and flips. He's a good man!

I don't have any 7-month pictures of myself. I am about 2 months past-due for a haircut, and just recently attempted (unsuccessfully) to shave my legs for the first time in weeks. I'm not exactly feeling glamorous lately. Maybe I'll try to pull myself together this week and share a 7 months + 1 week picture soon. Maybe.

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