Friday, November 4, 2011

Sick Pig

Here is a breakdown of my week:

Sunday: itchy throat, missed church
Monday: itchy throat, no voice, went to work
Tuesday: itchy throat, no voice, small cough, went to work and wished I had stayed home
Wednesday: sore throat, no voice, cough, missed work, went to doctor
Thursday: sore throat, no voice, bad cough, congestion, headache, missed work
Friday: slightly sore throat, bad cough, congestion, headache, missed work, calling doctor again

Sounds like fun, huh? The doctor thought it was strep throat, but I tested negative for that. He thinks it is just a virus, and gave me some cough syrup to help me sleep. I had been taking TWO Benadryl before bed, which usually knocks me out cold, and I still wasn't getting any sleep. The cough syrup has helped me get some sleep, but I'm still waking up several times during the night. I called the doctor this morning to let him know I feel like I'm getting WORSE, and he is supposed to call me back soon. Hopefully we can figure something out!

So, since I've been sick, I've been just sitting around at home. I had fallen asleep on the couch yesterday when I heard a LOUD squeal/squeak/OINK noise. I immediately knew it was Ginny's pig and I got kind of mad at first because I thought she was just playing with it (loudly and in my face) but I looked over to find this:

She had decided she wanted to lay on the couch too. She hopped up there and plopped down right on top of her pig. This picture absolutely cracks me up because of the pig... he LOOKS like a 60 pound dog just plopped down on him! Plus, you can see how Ginny is kind of holding her head down like, "I didn't do anything..."


So, I know this post wasn't really about a sick pig, as the title suggested... but it was the best I could come up with. Give me a break! :)

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