On Friday morning we got up and headed to Arlington to tour Cowboys Stadium. Holy Cow. That about sums it up. It is absolutely ridiculous... it has gotten a lot of hype for a reason. It is REALLY neat, but also gives you a sick feeling in your stomach sometimes to see how much money has gone into it. Our tour guide spit out all kinds of crazy facts, many of which I don't remember... but trust me, it is ridiculous. I'll share a few pictures from our trip there (and any facts I can remember).
First fact, you could put the Statue of Liberty inside Cowboys Stadium and her flame would not touch the top. Yeah. This picture is from the box where Jerry Jones sits.

You can see the famous giant screen in the background here. That screen alone cost more than it cost to build ALL of Texas Stadium (the old stadium). It is also 7 stories tall.

All of the seats are recycled plastic according to our guide, but they look and feel like leather. They are also a few inches wider than seats in other NFL stadiums. The seats are also set up in a way that, if a seat breaks during a game, rather than having to stand for the remainder of the game (like you would anywhere else) they have the ability to slide the seat off of a rail system and pop a new one on there. The whole process of changing out the seat would take no longer than 10 minutes.

We went into the Cowboys Cheerleader locker room, but I chose to leave those pictures out. Sorry guys! :) It just wasn't very exciting, thats all. What was much more exciting was seeing the Cowboys locker room. I had my picture taken in front of one of my favorite player's lockers.... Jason Witten!

Here is Matt standing in front of DeMarcus Ware's locker. The wood used for the lockers was imported from Africa.

Yes I put on the jersey and shoulder pads they had in the locker room... and yes, they were meant for people to put on... I didn't steal Miles Austin's jersey. And yes, I look like an idiot (and like I gained 400 lbs). :)

We visited a lot of the "clubs" within Cowboys Stadium. One of the features in most of those is a special granite tile that, when the light hits it right, shines "Cowboy blue." $50 a square. There are also TV screens EVERYWHERE. They broke a record for how many screens are there, but I can't remember a number. We also visited the press room where coaches and players give interviews before and after games. They also have a lot of art work inside that is really neat.
This picture is the star on the ceiling in the Miller Light club. The team goes through here to get to the field.

At the end of our tour, we got to go out on the field!

This is looking up right outside the stadium...

..and this is the view of the stadium from the Ballpark in Arlington (that post is next).

I thought the tickets for the tour of Cowboys Stadium were a little high for a TOUR, but it was definitely worth it! There were so many neat things to see, and they really did put a lot of work into making it "one of a kind." The Cowboys had me nervous at the beginning of the season, but they seem to be picking up some steam (hopefully). GO COWBOYS! :)