Monday, May 30, 2011

Notice Anything?

Renee, Matt's mom, brought me a plant last weekend. Matt started making jokes about how she was killing it by giving it to me... I've only had a couple of plants before and I always forget to water them. I was DETERMINED to keep this one alive and I did NOT forget to water it... but I think I OVER watered it. :( It looks pretty sad. We were out of town this weekend so it didn't get watered at all, but the soil was still pretty moist when I went out to check on it this morning. While I was out there, I noticed that something looked kind of funny... notice anything?

What about now?

Let's look a little closer...

Yep! There is a frog camping out in my plant! He's a cute little guy... :)

Ginny hasn't discovered the frog yet... and hopefully she won't. :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Matt was taking the trash out this morning and saw this on the sidewalk. He ran back in looking for the camera and caught a couple of pictures... it was pretty cool!


Here are a couple of pictures of our new furniture! Some of them are kind of dark... I haven't installed my photo editing programs on our new computer yet, so you'll just have to take these "as is". :)

This is our love seat, although it is just as long as our couch. It is a LITTLE shorter, but it is still pretty huge. Both sides recline and rock, then there are two cup holders and a little compartment in the middle console. We said over and over and OVER again that when we got new furniture, Ginny would NOT be allowed up on it. We gave in to that on about the 2nd day. We HAVE stuck with the "rules" of when she can be up there though and she has done real well with that. We usually put her bed up on the love seat and she lays on that. Sometimes we will spread a blanket out and she can lay on that... so she still can't lay DIRECTLY on the couch, but we gave in still... :)

She wanted in on the photo shoot of the furniture, I guess... :)

Here is our couch. It reclines on both ends as well.

Just another shot of the love seat...

We have really enjoyed it so far! It is really comfortable. So I know these pictures have been a long time comin, but there ya go! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011


Yay! Ok, let me tell you all a little bit about my new job! I am going to be working at Austin Grad, with Matt! I will be on the other side of the building, so I won't have to see him all the time. ;-) I'll be the "Assistant Registrar". Austin Grad is making several changes and people are kind of moving around some and taking on new responsibilities, so it is going to be a big transition for everyone. I will basically be doing most of the responsibilities of a registrar under the supervision of the CURRENT registrar while she moves her focus a little more toward recruiting. Matt has told me this before, and I was reminded again in my meeting with them yesterday that nobody has just ONE job... they all wear a lot of different hats. I will start in about a week and work until 2pm for a couple of weeks to allow me to still drive to Lakeway and watch the kids until the end of the month, then start full time at Austin Grad. I'm really excited about the job, and it seems like there could be a lot of cool opportunities for both of us at Austin Grad in the future!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pictures of Ginny

I just pulled a bunch of pictures off of my phone, and OF COURSE they are all of Ginny... :) So I thought I'd share...

Matt carrying Ginny to bed last night... lol

She does this a LOT lately! We will notice that she isn't in the room with us so we will walk back to the bedroom and find this. If there is any good in this, it is that we have gotten better about making the bed in the mornings (or at least somewhat making it, lol) so that we don't have dog hairs on our pillows and sheets when we go to bed! :)

This was in Gainesville last weekend. Ginny was outside and it was cold and rainy. My parents keep the chair cushions in this tub and somehow Ginny got the lid off then got inside of it! She was curled up asleep in it a couple of minutes before this picture! Silly dog...

Look at those sweet eyes... :)

This is so bad... most mornings I will sit on the couch and put the recliner up with a blanket over my lap. Ginny will get up on the recliner part and curl up in my lap, basically, and sit with me. Matt says, "that is so ridiculous." Haha! :) She sure is sweet though... my 60lb lap dog.

She was rolling around on the floor the other day then just froze like this...

My cuddly lap dog again... :) Matt and I have determined that he is the PLAY person. He will ask Ginny, "Do you want to play?" and she will FLIP OUT! She LOVES playing with him (and most of the time, not so much with me) and I am the CUDDLE person. Matt will pet her and love on her but he is not as interested in having her sit in his lap, teehee. :) So she knows to come to me for this kind of lovin! ;-)

I'm Still Here!

A few weeks ago while I was using our laptop, the charger caught on fire! (don't worry - just a small flame, lol) It immediately shut down our computer and I thought I had lost it for good. Luckily it came back on so we could back up our files, but it wouldn't let us use the internet or anything like that. SO, my excuse for not blogging in a while is that we haven't had a working computer! We just got a new laptop this week so I will try to catch up on some things.

I haven't moved our files over to the new computer yet, so I'll have to post pictures later, but here are some quick updates on what all has been going on here! We got new furniture! We FINALLY finished dealing with the insurance company with our wreck stuff (just a week or two before the one year anniversary - which was yesterday, I think!) so we were able to use some of that money to get the furniture. We got a cozy reclining couch and love seat. We LOVE it! I'll post pictures of it soon.

I also, as sad as I am to say it, started slacking big time on my weight loss stuff. I hurt my knee in my second week of my workouts and quit for a few days until it started feeling better. It started feeling better from THAT injury, then I hurt it again. It got better after THAT one, but then I had kind of lost motivation and gotten out of my routine. I need to get started again!

I went an Orthopedic specialist to have my knee checked out. It bothers me quite a bit and has been that way for a while so I decided to just have it checked out. I had an MRI and went back earlier this week to see the results. My ACL (that I had surgery to repair 10 years ago) has stretched out some, I have a tear in my meniscus and a "significant amount of arthritis considering my age." The ACL is not really a big deal, it just means that my right knee "moves" a little more than the other. The meniscus tear seems to be pretty small, so it isn't anything too major. The doctor said the arthritis is probably what causes most of the pain. They could do a minor surgery to "clean things out" but he said it probably wouldn't make that big of a difference right now. I'm just going to wait it out... he said if the pain gets worse, more frequent, or if it starts swelling quite a bit then we would want to do the surgery. For now I'll just deal with it though. :)

I am also going to start a new job soon! My job working with the kids after school is coming to an end and I will be starting my new job in the next couple of weeks. I have a meeting with them tomorrow morning, so after that I will give all the details. I'm sure it would be fine to give them now since only a few people read my blog, but TECHNICALLY I haven't been OFFICIALLY offered the job yet... but check back tomorrow and I'll let you know all the details! I'm really excited about it!

Well, that is all I can think of right now... I know I've thought of several things to share in the last couple of weeks, so I may think of more later, but for now THAT'S ALL FOLKS!