Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Black....errr....Yellow Eye

Earlier this week I was out playing with Ginny and we had a bit of a collision. Her head slammed into my face and it immediately brought tears to my eyes. My nose started bleeding and I couldn't feel the entire left side of my face! I really, honestly, thought my cheek bone was broken or something. I could feel that it was swollen already. It never got too swollen and it was only slightly red but I couldn't even touch it. This morning I woke up and I have a yellow eye! I have no idea why it is yellow and not blue or black or red. The weird thing is, the part that is yellow doesn't even hurt! It is just my cheek that still hurts pretty bad. It is definitely better though, so hopefully it will continue to feel better and better each day.

That is a nice yellow eye, huh? :)

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