On Thursday morning Matt and I got up and drove to Arlington to go to the Rangers game! Mom was able to get the bank tickets for us so we had really good seats! We invited my friend Jessica from OC (one of my roommates) and her boyfriend, Jody, to join us since there were 4 tickets. I realized that it had been OVER A YEAR since I had seen her last!!! So needless to say we had a great time visiting and enjoying an AWESOME game together! Most of the game was actually pretty boring - but the 9th inning made it all worth it!! The Rangers hit a home run, then a double, then a 2-run home run to win the game!! It was so exciting!
All four of us at the game:
Matt and me:
Rangers dugout:
After the game, I headed to Gainesville and Matt headed to Athens for the weekend. As soon as I got home, I headed back out to meet up with some friends from high school. There were five of us total and we had a great time visiting and catching up. We laughed most of the time and I'm sure the staff at Chili's couldn't wait for us to leave... :) but we had a great time!
Saturday was Elijah's 5th birthday party! I have missed his last two birthday parties so I was happy to be able to be there this year! Last year Matt and I were in Colorado so we couldn't make it. The year before that we were just getting back from our cruise and I made it there just after the party ended. You can check out Summer's blog for more pictures from his party. Here is a quick look at my two cute nephews... :)
Elijah eating pizza - and his cute new short haircut!

Here I am trying to hold on to Judah! Now that is a walking machine he is hard to hang on to sometimes! :)

Later that evening we went out to Moss Lake for our friend Kourtney's graduation party. We stayed for a couple hours for supper and to visit with everyone but we left before the REAL party began. :) They were starting the jello shots as we were leaving, haha!
All of the weekend events made the time pass pretty quickly! My original plan was to head back to Austin after lunch on Sunday, but Matt and I both agreed that we weren't quite ready to leave our houses, so we stayed until late afternoon then met up in Waco for supper then drove back to Austin. It was a fun weekend and mom is already bugging me to schedule my next trip home. :)
Oh and Matt got a suit for the wedding while he was home!! It took them a little while to find a brown suit so I think Matt was getting frustrated and tired of shopping, but they ended up finding one! He got a suit, an ivory shirt and a tie! He sent me a text message saying "I got the suit, shirt and tie - I'm ready to get married. You?" Haha!
Ok, on a different subject, I start work at the YMCA next week! I finally met with the Gymnastics lady, Lisa, and we got all of that squared away! It looks like this will be my schedule for the summer:
8am-12pm Swim Lessons
1pm-3pm World Bible School (just a few minutes away)
8am-12pm Swim Lessons
1pm-3pm World Bible School (just a few minutes away)
3:30pm-6:30pm Gymnastics Lessons
8am-10am World Bible School (or any two hours on Friday)
I think it will be a fun summer working with the little kids at the Y. I am excited about getting started! I know I will be a little nervous at the very beginning, but I'm looking forward to it!
I think it will be a fun summer working with the little kids at the Y. I am excited about getting started! I know I will be a little nervous at the very beginning, but I'm looking forward to it!
Again, on a different subject... and very random... I am trying to grow my hair out. It is at a stage right now that is driving me crazy, but I'm not going to give in! I want to grow it out for the wedding so that I will have some options as to what to do with it then. Who knows, I may grow it out then decide that I like it much better short and chop it off again before the wedding! But I want to have that option. So I'm sure that it will look kind of crazy in the next couple months as its growing out into these awkward lengths... so just be prepared. :)
Unfortunately, I am going to be moving out of the Bright's house soon. They are putting their house back up on the market (which I knew from the beginning was a possibility) so I am going to be moving in with another family from church for the summer. I will probably move in the next two weeks or so... so I will keep yall updated on that. I hate to have to move because things have been so WONDERFUL here, but the other family is a great family too so I'm sure it will work out just fine as well.
Again, random, did you know that it costs $57 to go to SeaWorld?! I had NO IDEA it was THAT expensive!!! I got some coupons from Sonic that say you can get adult admission for the kid's price, but even that is $49!! I just had no idea... Matt and I were talking about how fun it would be to go, but forget that! I think I have been to SeaWorld once - I have a few select memories of it, but I wanted to go again now - but forget that! Haha!!
The thing that first started the SeaWorld conversations is that Matt's parent's are coming to Austin this weekend and we are going to go to San Antonio for a day or two. I'm not sure what specific things we'll be doing, but it will be fun to spend the weekend with them. I'll TRY to take pictures this weekend and I'll give an update sometime next week.
Ok, well I know that is a lot, but that is what all is going on right now. There should be a lot coming up next week since I'll be starting work, so stay tuned! :)
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