So, I am going to be a swim instructor this summer.
THEN, after looking at the hours for the job I realized that I really needed more than what I was getting. So, being as kind as she is, Abby worked hard to find me another position with the YMCA to get me a few more hours during the week. Those of you who thought the swim instructor thing was funny... brace yourself. It appears that I will also be working as a gymnastics instructor. AGAIN, I told Abby that I wasn't even sure if I could still do a cartwheel, but that I would be willing to learn again, and surprisingly they still want me. All of this is completely 100% yet, but I think it will be. Oh what am I getting myself in to?!
Back to swimming. I started the course tonight. It is Monday through Friday from 5:30-9:30 (technically - although I don't think we will usually go the full time, we got out at 8:30 tonight), plus Sunday from 10am-4pm. I was so nervous about my class because I knew how limited my skills were. I went on and on about it all to Matt and he kept saying, "Lauren, don't worry about it! It is not like they are going to just throw you in the pool and expect you to do everything. They will teach you step by step just as you will teach the kids in lessons." Well guess what, Matt?
That's right, they basically threw me in and said, "Go!" I explained to the instructor that I had no experience and didn't know how to do the different strokes and would need some guidance. She wasn't mean, and I don't think her intentions were to not help me, but I don't think she quite understood how bad I really am. Luckily there was a guy there who was just watching who is a swim instructor and life guard and I feel pretty sure that he saw the fear in my eyes and he came over and said, "Do you know how to do this?" He was so kind and he jumped right in and started helping me and explaining how to do the strokes. Even so, my attempts were pretty pathetic - but it would've been even worse without his help.
So, tonight in swim class I (un)successfully did the following strokes: freestyle, backstroke, elementary backstroke, side stroke (both sides), breast stroke and butterfly stroke. I also (for the first time ever) dove into the pool. I did a sitting dive, kneeling dive, standing dive, and a dive from the block. None of which were a complete belly flop, but the last one came close. I also had to tread water for a few minutes, then tread water while holding another person.

I know it is silly, but my main problem is holding my breath. I just can't do it. As soon as I go under water, it just rushes up my nose. But when I do those strokes and those dives, my face is supposed to be IN THE WATER... I am pretty sure I inhaled about a gallon of water tonight.
It was an exhausting night to say the least... and I get to do it all over again tomorrow night. Don't get me wrong, I really didn't have an awful time (though I know it sounds like it) I just have a looooong way to go! I am hopefully going to have some time to practice a little tomorrow on my own before going to class again.
Ahh....why did I decide to do this again? ;-)
Anyway, I will keep you updated on how my classes go and if I am able to make any progress! Maybe when it is all said and done, I'll even get up a video of me diving or something... Or maybe I should video me diving NOW so that you can see the process! ;-)
Either way, stay tuned for the traumatic stories from swim class...
1 comment:
I know you can do it! Just think how well you will be able to sympathize with those poor students who can't swim:) Maybe that is your mission!
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