We had a tragic thing to happen today. We lost both Francisco and Eunice in an unexpected accident. While their bowl was being cleaned out, the mistake was made of refilling the bowl with water from the sink, instead of distilled water. When I entered the scene Kirby told me what had happened and started questioning whether or not that was actually ok for the fish. We were unsure. Then, literally seconds later, Eunice started acting very strange. We became worried for the lives of our fish and quickly moved them over to distilled water. However, it was too late. They both slowly started going crazy and at 12:24pm we lost Eunice. Francisco fought a good fight, but we also lost him at 12:57pm.
Please take a moment to remember the short lives of Francisco and Eunice. I have provided a link to a video that will help to ease the pain you all are feeling. Please check out the video... do it for Francisco and Eunice.
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