This is me being harrassed by my wonderful big brother and my lovely boyfriend... they're so nice to me... :)
Papaw Mac and Elijah playing with the airport that all of us played with when we were younger! I used to LOVE playing with the airport!
On Saturday we had somewhat of a dart tournament. All of the "couples" played each other and all of the girls beat the boys! Oh wait... except for one. MOM! Haha, we had to give her a hard time about it. She even challenged dad to a rematch. She played REALLY well and I think led both games for the majority of the game, but in the end dad kept coming back and winning. Even though she lost, we were able to see past it and forgive her. :)
I thought this was a cute picture. He really wasn't sad or anything, haha!
Brad and Nova hanging out...
On Saturday we went to Pinnacle mountain to check it out and just enjoy the outdoors and the scenery. This next picture just makes me laugh because Matt looks like a flamingo. :)
(Sorry Matt... it's just real funny to me)
Here is Elijah proudly walking up the steps! On the way down he tripped and fell and hit his face pretty hard but it didn't really phase him. He just got up, brushed it off, and took off again. Then, with every step he would say, "I'm not falling..." Then when he got to the very bottom he threw his hands in the air and said, "I did it!" He is quite a ham.
Now we get to the "photo shoot" pictures. It was very pretty at Pinnacle mountain so we decided to take some pictures!
Matt and I...

Jason, Summer and Elijah...

Brad and Elijah sporting the "Gig Em" thumbs up!

Mom and Dad...
Everyone together...

Me with my two big brothers... I suppose they're pretty cool sometimes :)
Me with Elijah...
Four generations of Cox men...

Matt and I again...
Mom was trying to catch us not looking, haha! I know her though... I am ALWYS on the look out. :)
I like this picture a lot...
Then we went to a big bridge that goes over the Arkansas River that was made for walkers, runners, bicyclists, and things like that. I THINK they said it was about a mile long to go all the way across. We walked about half way then headed back...
Posing once again...
We headed back to Texas on Sunday morning so everyone could get back for different activities, but we had a blast in Arkansas. We always love going to visit Papaw Mac and Jill. They are coming to Texas this weekend for Brad and Nova's wedding so we'll get to see them again pretty soon! :) Well, that just about wraps up our Arkansas trip!
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