Softball, softball, softball...
So at first when Coach stood on the other side of the plate and showed me how to stand I thought she was just giving me a mirror image of how I should look. So when she finished talking I nodded showing that I understood what she said and was ready to hit the ball. She then looked back at me as if responding, “No, you don’t understand.” Confused, I looked at her with a look that said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She simply shook her head up and down giving me the sign that, no… she wasn’t kidding. So through this conversation of “looks” and some practice, I am now a left handed bunter. Yeah, that is probably the same face that I made. I don’t know what made her decide to just switch me to the left side, but she did. She was quite proud of herself for making this decision too because, as it turns out, I am a pretty good left handed bunter! I have always really liked bunting because I have never been a spectacular hitter. So now, luckily for me and apparently the coach, I am solely a bunter. I am more confident as a bunter, too, so that is good.
We have our first softball game tomorrow, but I’m not sure that I will get to play. I hurt my quad in practice yesterday but didn’t think much of it. I figured I was just really sore and maybe stretched it a little bit. I got some Icy Hot for it and just rested it most of the evening. I figured it would be all better before practice today but it wasn’t. I went out to practice and the first thing we did was run sprints. As I was running Coach said, “Lauren, you’re running a little funny there – are you ok?” So as much as I was trying to deny being “injured” in any way, I had to explain to her what was wrong. She had me stretch it some different ways while she looked at it and she thinks I pulled it. I’m not sure that it’s really that bad, but she definitely didn’t want me practicing on it today. Since she told me to rest it for a day or two, I’m not sure that she will let me play in our game tomorrow but I guess we’ll see. I knew I couldn’t get through one month of softball without SOME kind of injury! Let’s just hope that this is the worst of it.
More softball! This past weekend we had our intramural softball tournament! We usually have a whole season but our intramural field on campus is currently being turned into the new baseball stadium! They are building us some new fields but they aren’t finished quite yet. We went to a place called Boomtown Ballyards for an all night tournament. Since I am the athletic director now, that means that I had to be the coach! It wasn’t too bad but it was a little stressful trying to remember who had already played and who is good at what position! I was real worried about not getting everyone equal playing time, but it all worked out pretty well! Here are a couple of pictures from the tournament. Sorry if they are kind of small, I had to steal them from someone else!
The team listening intently to my instructions... (Haha! Yeah right!)
We have our first softball game tomorrow, but I’m not sure that I will get to play. I hurt my quad in practice yesterday but didn’t think much of it. I figured I was just really sore and maybe stretched it a little bit. I got some Icy Hot for it and just rested it most of the evening. I figured it would be all better before practice today but it wasn’t. I went out to practice and the first thing we did was run sprints. As I was running Coach said, “Lauren, you’re running a little funny there – are you ok?” So as much as I was trying to deny being “injured” in any way, I had to explain to her what was wrong. She had me stretch it some different ways while she looked at it and she thinks I pulled it. I’m not sure that it’s really that bad, but she definitely didn’t want me practicing on it today. Since she told me to rest it for a day or two, I’m not sure that she will let me play in our game tomorrow but I guess we’ll see. I knew I couldn’t get through one month of softball without SOME kind of injury! Let’s just hope that this is the worst of it.
More softball! This past weekend we had our intramural softball tournament! We usually have a whole season but our intramural field on campus is currently being turned into the new baseball stadium! They are building us some new fields but they aren’t finished quite yet. We went to a place called Boomtown Ballyards for an all night tournament. Since I am the athletic director now, that means that I had to be the coach! It wasn’t too bad but it was a little stressful trying to remember who had already played and who is good at what position! I was real worried about not getting everyone equal playing time, but it all worked out pretty well! Here are a couple of pictures from the tournament. Sorry if they are kind of small, I had to steal them from someone else!
The team listening intently to my instructions... (Haha! Yeah right!)

Our “Pi Zeta Phi Whoop Whoop Whoop PI!” cheer…

She’s OUT!

Our team picture (those are some crazy girls!!)

Well I don’t know too much right now. I just wanted to give a quick update on what has been going on and, as you can see, a lot of it is softball! This is going to be a crazy hectic month but I’m sure it will fly by!
P.S. Tomorrow is Brad’s birthday! Don’t forget to call him!
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