We had two softball games on Friday against Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. We had already played them once this month here at OC and they absolutely killed us. They beat us in both games because of the run rule. Yeah, it was bad. Anyway, we played them again on their field on Friday. It was really hot that day and everyone on the team was kind of dead. It wasn’t looking promising. I think we all kind of just expected to get killed again. Well we did pretty well the first game which got us all a little more excited. We still LOST, but we played well. So then during the second game (all of our games are double headers) we got really pumped up and we were ready to play! WE WON! It was real exciting. That was our first game to win this season. I did okay, I guess. I didn’t do anything wonderful or all that productive, but I also didn’t mess up. I just had a couple of balls hit to me in right field and a couple of good bunts that I couldn’t run out (but advanced the runner!). It was nice to win for a change! We have two more games tomorrow so hopefully we can win again! Here are a few pictures from one of our games a couple of weeks ago.
I am number 14...

Standing out in right field waiting for something to happen...

Trying to avoid having my picture taken...

Friday was also the day that we let our new rushees know if they got into Pi or not. I remember this time last year when I was stressing out over whether or not I would get into Pi. I went back and looked at my old blog and read some of the posts about my experiences during rush week. It was pretty funny. Here are a few flashback pictures that made me laugh.
We thought we were so cool...
Spelling out our Greek letters for Pi Zeta Phi...
It was BLUE DAY...
Me with my little sister, Dusti
Anyway, we had induction on Friday night. First the rushees went on a scavenger hunt or something. I missed all of that because I was getting cleaned up from the softball game. After they had to walk all over campus looking silly everyone met up at the coffee shop on campus. We did all of the “traditional” induction stuff there. We ate lasagna and did the “ribbon ceremony” and introductions and all of that good stuff. ALL the same stuff we did at my induction, haha! Once we finished all of that, everyone changed out of their pretty clothes and got ready for the MESSY part of induction! To explain all of the details of induction, I thought I would return to a statement made when I went through induction. This is from my old blog:
“Hey everyone! Now that I have gone through INDUCTION, (Bom! Bom! Bom!) I am officially one of the Women of Pi Zeta Phi! My first rule of Induction was “I will not tell anyone about induction.” Soooo, sorry y’all but I can’t tell you what we did! :) I CAN tell you that it was so much fun!”
Sooo… sorry! No details! It was a lot of fun though. We actually had an all night induction this year. Last year we got done around 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. This year we set up tents out at someone’s house. They had a lot of land in the middle of nowhere so it was nice. I, however, was suffering from bug bites and allergies!! I caught a ride with some people around 2:30am and headed back to campus and went to bed! Here are some pictures from the night...
“Hey everyone! Now that I have gone through INDUCTION, (Bom! Bom! Bom!) I am officially one of the Women of Pi Zeta Phi! My first rule of Induction was “I will not tell anyone about induction.” Soooo, sorry y’all but I can’t tell you what we did! :) I CAN tell you that it was so much fun!”
Sooo… sorry! No details! It was a lot of fun though. We actually had an all night induction this year. Last year we got done around 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. This year we set up tents out at someone’s house. They had a lot of land in the middle of nowhere so it was nice. I, however, was suffering from bug bites and allergies!! I caught a ride with some people around 2:30am and headed back to campus and went to bed! Here are some pictures from the night...
Kirby and dancing the Cha Cha in the Student Center. This was the dance that we learned on the cruise at the beginning of the summer...
Kirby and I met each other LAST YEAR at induction when I found out that she was my big sister...
Kirby, Jessica, me and Deanna...
Saturday morning I slept in, first of all. I took my time getting up and getting ready for the day. I was in no rush. We were going to the Oklahoma State Fair and we were supposed to dress western. Well I didn’t have anything fun and western to wear so I went to town to get something. I found a cheap western looking shirt at TJ Max so I got that. I really wanted some boots to wear but 1. I didn’t want to spend money on any, and 2. It was so hot that day and my flip flops were sounding real nice. I just wore jeans, a somewhat western looking belt that I got at a thrift store, and my western shirt. I wasn’t even that adamant about us all wearing western clothes but Jessica and Kirby had really been talking about it a lot and how they were going to wear their boots and cowboy hats. Of course I didn’t want to be left out so that is why I went to the store. NEITHER ONE OF THEM LOOKED VERY WESTERN! Haha! Jessica DID wear her boots… I’ll give her that. I guess they were a LITTLE western, but not as much as they talked it up. :) I went with four other girls, two of them being Jessica and Kirby. We got to the fair probably around 5:45. We walked around some to check out the different attractions until the rodeo. The rodeo was sooo much fun! We got to watch all sorts of fun things. After the rodeo we saw Gary Allan in concert. He is a country singer, in case you haven’t heard of him. He is one of those singers that I never like his songs when I first hear them. He kind of has a whiney nasally voice. Somehow, though, his songs usually tend to grow on me. He sounded even more whiney and nasally in concert though. It wasn’t great. Jessica and I decided to spice things up a little and have a good time. We were dancing around and acting crazy (and embarrassing the other girls that were with us) and having a good time. I’m sure we looked ridiculous but it was fun! We probably fit in pretty well, though. I’m sure everyone just assumed we were drunk like half of the other people there. There were definitely plenty of “state fair people” if you know what I mean. It was interesting just looking at the kinds of people that show up to the state fair! Anyway, I am just going to post all of the pictures and videos and explain them all as I go.
Saturday morning I slept in, first of all. I took my time getting up and getting ready for the day. I was in no rush. We were going to the Oklahoma State Fair and we were supposed to dress western. Well I didn’t have anything fun and western to wear so I went to town to get something. I found a cheap western looking shirt at TJ Max so I got that. I really wanted some boots to wear but 1. I didn’t want to spend money on any, and 2. It was so hot that day and my flip flops were sounding real nice. I just wore jeans, a somewhat western looking belt that I got at a thrift store, and my western shirt. I wasn’t even that adamant about us all wearing western clothes but Jessica and Kirby had really been talking about it a lot and how they were going to wear their boots and cowboy hats. Of course I didn’t want to be left out so that is why I went to the store. NEITHER ONE OF THEM LOOKED VERY WESTERN! Haha! Jessica DID wear her boots… I’ll give her that. I guess they were a LITTLE western, but not as much as they talked it up. :) I went with four other girls, two of them being Jessica and Kirby. We got to the fair probably around 5:45. We walked around some to check out the different attractions until the rodeo. The rodeo was sooo much fun! We got to watch all sorts of fun things. After the rodeo we saw Gary Allan in concert. He is a country singer, in case you haven’t heard of him. He is one of those singers that I never like his songs when I first hear them. He kind of has a whiney nasally voice. Somehow, though, his songs usually tend to grow on me. He sounded even more whiney and nasally in concert though. It wasn’t great. Jessica and I decided to spice things up a little and have a good time. We were dancing around and acting crazy (and embarrassing the other girls that were with us) and having a good time. I’m sure we looked ridiculous but it was fun! We probably fit in pretty well, though. I’m sure everyone just assumed we were drunk like half of the other people there. There were definitely plenty of “state fair people” if you know what I mean. It was interesting just looking at the kinds of people that show up to the state fair! Anyway, I am just going to post all of the pictures and videos and explain them all as I go.
In Jessica's car about to leave for the Fair...
Can't you tell we are so excited about the State Fair?
We stood around and watched the Indian dances for a while. It was so cool!
Jessica and I eating our healthy corn dogs from the Fair! I watched the people making the corn dogs and it was really pretty disgusting. Not to mention that the woman that gave it to me had a beard... All things considered, it was still one of the best corn dogs I have ever had! There's nothing like a State Fair corn dog...

Our yummy funnell cake! Kirby and I split one..

Kirby and I paid $2 each to ride this slide. Jordan got a short video of us coming down the second part of the slide...
Kirby got a giant turkey leg...
A video of one of the events at the rodeo!
Jessica and I at the rodeo...
The more the Cowboys win, the better looking this man becomes to me…

That’s all I have to say about that.
We had a killer softball practice today. Once again, we all seemed pretty dead for some reason. We were missing easy balls and making bad throws all over the place. Coach blames all of the rush stuff going on with club. I think that is probably a pretty valid explanation. A lot of our JV team are sophomores and most of them rushed a club. It keeps you occupied, that’s for sure. BUT because we were so awful we practiced real hard. We ran a lot and did a lot of drills until we got it right. It was pretty intense.
We also have our first intramural football practice today. We are playing the new girls club, Iota. This is their first year to be a club so we don’t know if they’ll be any good or not! I don’t think they are generally known for being an “athletic club” but you never know! We played them in softball and had a lot of fun playing with them, so hopefully it will just be a good game. I will let y’all know how it goes (if I don’t die from overuse of my body first!!!).
As you can probably tell, things are still in full swing around here. Everything is pretty nonstop all the time. I will be glad when Fall Break gets here! Only a couple more weeks! By the way, I’ll go ahead and throw my sales pitch here. On Saturday, October 13th we are having an event at our church. I hear there is going to be an awesome band there called the MATT PORTER BAND! I think I have heard good things about them, I can’t remember. (By the way they have new pictures up on their myspace if you haven’t looked recently. Just click on this link then click “Pics” under the display picture. ( The new ones are under the folder titled “Photo Shoot” or something along those lines. Check ‘em out!) :) ANYWAY, we are going to have coffee and desserts and just hang out and listen to the band! It is going to be great fun. Here is the flyer that I made to get the word out! You should come… that’s right, YOU. No excuses.
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