Monday, February 1, 2016

8 Months Old

Joanna Frances Porter
8 Months

  • She loves cinnamon pears and whole apple slices (but don't dare try to offer her applesauce!).
  • She had several crazy nights this month where she woke up several times wanting to nurse. Thankfully she went back to sleeping through the night shortly before she hit 8 months.
  • Still no teeth!
  • She is figuring out that she can scoot and roll and throw her body around to get around a little bit! So, still no crawling, but she is a tiny bit mobile!
  • She makes all sorts of silly noises, including dada, nana, bubble, and right at her 8 month birthday she finally started saying momma a little more regularly.
  • She will sometimes "blow kisses" with her fist.
  • She likes going to the park to walk and swing (though she apparently has some motion sickness... we learned that the hard, and messy, way).
  • She loves going to Storytime at the library. She sits quietly and listens to all of the stories!
  • She still prefers to be with momma or dad, but she is getting a lot better about hanging out with other people!

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