Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2 Months Old

Joanna Frances Porter
2 Months

  • Weight: 12 lbs, 6 oz
  • Length: 24 in

  • She is still a great sleeper. Her first stretch of the night is 6-8 hours long, then she’ll usually sleep another 3-4 after eating. She is still sleeping in her sleeper/bassinet, but we’ve moved her out of our bedroom and into her nursery.
  • She still loves to cuddle!
  • We started using cloth diapers on her during the day. They are huge on her, and they look ridiculous, but we’re going to give it a shot!
  • She’s made one “big” trip to Waco, just for the day. We are going to try our second big trip, and our first overnight trip, near the end of August when we go visit Nana & Grangoat in Gainesville.
  • She loves listening to music. We have “music time” every day where we dance and sing and listen. She is usually very alert and happy during this time.
  • She loves to be bounced. We spend a lot of time bouncing on the exercise ball if she is fussy!
  • She talks to us a lot now. Lots of “ooo’s” and “ahhh’s.”
  • She loves to be outside. We go outside and sit in the rocking chair and she will just look around and sit quietly for a long time. It is just so darn hot right now, so we don't get to stay out as long as we'd like. We are looking forward to cooler weather.
  • She is an efficient eater! She only nurses for 10-15 minutes. She has gotten a little rough with it when she is almost finished, which I don’t appreciate very much.
  • She loves being in the Moby Wrap. It calms her down almost immediately, and it is great for allowing me to get a few things done! We got in trouble for wearing the wrap to church, though, because the church ladies told me it keeps them from being able to snatch her up (I guess they don’t realize that is part of my plan!).
  • If we put her in the car, she sleeps. It is great to have a peaceful baby when we travel, but sometimes we have to really be mindful of how close we are to her bedtime (and if we really WANT her to be sleeping then!). She doesn’t like it when the car stops, though, so we yell at red lights a lot.
  • We still swaddle her at night, but not during the day anymore. She naps with her arms and legs out in all directions.
  • She likes her baths! It is hilarious to watch her relax under the warm water and watch herself in the mirror (we put the bath up on the bathroom counter).
  • She is much more alert and aware of things going on around her. She likes to lock her eyes on one of us and just follow us around the room.
  • She does a good job of holding her head up most of the time!
  • She doesn’t like tummy time. We still do it as often as we can, but she’s not crazy about it. We’ve started trying some new techniques (laying her over the exercise ball, propping her on our shins while we lay on the floor, etc.) and those seem to be working pretty well so far.
  • She makes so many funny faces. She keeps us entertained! 
  • She loves being on her changing table. For some reason that is where she likes to play the most. She will kick her legs, smile, and make all sorts of silly noises.
  • Those smiles! She is intentionally smiling now, and it just melts our hearts every time. Sometimes she just smiles at the clock on the wall, or the light coming in through the windows, but we can also get a smile out of her with some silly dances or funny noises.
  • She is getting big. Matt and I have noticed a big difference in her length lately. She’s a growing girl! She fits into a lot of 3-month stuff now (and some of it she is even too big for!).

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