Joanna Frances Porter
1 Month
I can't believe Joanna is already a month old! She has been such a good baby and we are so thankful for her. Below are a few things that describe life with Joanna in her first month.
- She is a great sleeper. We've had a few rough nights here and there, but overall she has been great. At night she goes 3-5 hours between wanting to eat, and usually goes right back to sleep after a diaper change and a meal. Last night she had a 4-hour stretch, a 5-hour stretch, then a 2-hour stretch. Matt and I are so thankful and tell her often how much we appreciate her sleeping habits. :)
- During the day she loves to cuddle up with mom or dad and nap on our chest. Those are the sweetest cuddles.
- She thinks it's funny (that's the only explanation I can find) to pee all over the changing table right after we've cleaned her up and usually just before we put the clean diaper on.
- She has been out on the town quite a bit already! She's been to Tyler with us a few times, has hit up several restaurants and stores in Canton, and been to the baseball fields and basketball gym to watch some of our favorite teenagers play sports. She has been great so far when we've taken her out.
- She is a noisy sleeper. She grunts, squeals, smacks, toots, and oooo's and ahhh's.
- She likes when mom and dad sing silly songs to her. Well, I don't really know if she likes it, but there are a lot of silly songs being sung in the Porter house lately. She doesn't scream when we sing to her, so we'll assume she likes them.
- She likes to be rocked and bounced. If she is fussy, just take a seat in the rocking chair or on the exercise ball (great for bouncing!) and that usually does the trick!
- She loves to be outside. We go outside and sit in the rocking chair and she will just look around and sit quietly for a long time. It is just so darn hot right now, so we don't get to stay out as long as we'd like. She also does great when we go for walks with the stroller. Penny likes to join us on our walks, too!
- She is a great eater! She only nurses for 10-15 minutes, which is great for me! At first we worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat in that short amount of time, but once we learned that she was getting plenty, I realized I could just be thankful for an efficient eater.
- She is starting to get some hair on top of her head, but it is still FAR from catching up to the hair on the sides and back of her head. We tell her she has "old man hair."
- She loves being in the Moby Wrap. It calms her down almost immediately, and it is great for allowing mom to get a few things done!
- She does pretty well in the car. She likes it best when we're moving and sometimes gets cranky at long red lights (and therefore so do mom and dad!).
- She loves to be swaddled, but also loves to stretch out those arms and legs! If she is swaddled she will usually at least try (and is oftentimes successful) to wiggle her little hands out of the top. Dad, who is the master swaddler, gets pretty irritated when she is successful. She can also fall asleep with her arms and legs spread out in every direction (like her mom).
- She likes baths... most of the time. She definitely likes being in the warm water, but doesn't always enjoy actually being WASHED.
- She watches us and follows us around the room with her eyes. She likes to watch dad do a silly dance and mom play with Penny.
- She does a really great job of holding her head up. Sometimes she'll just hang out for a minute or so holding her head up. When we lay her on her tummy we'll lay on either side of her and talk to her. She will pick up her head and turn it toward whichever one of us is talking.
- She makes so many funny faces. She keeps us entertained!
- Lastly, she gets loved on ALL THE TIME. The youth group teens love all over her, the other church folks love all over her, her family loves all over her, and of course mom and dad love on her like crazy. She is one loved little girl!
Happy 1-month birthday, Joanna Frances!