Friday, May 22, 2015

Pregnancy Updates

We're still here! No new news to share, but things are still good and normal (well, as normal as things can be when I'm in the picture!). I'm starting to get a little more anxious about this little girl making her arrival. I'm ready to meet her face to face.

This will most likely be my last week working in the office in Tyler for a while. I'm thankful to have a great job and a great boss, and I'll have the opportunity to work from home for as long as I want or need to. I've been planning on staying home once week 39 hits, but if I'm still feeling ok, I may still drive in a couple of times next week. We'll see.

Matt invited the youth group to make guesses on the baby's arrival date, so MOST dates are covered now. SOMEONE will probably win that game, we just don't know who that someone is yet. :)

There isn't much more to share right now. We're just trying our best to be patient at this point.

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