Monday, December 22, 2014

Getting Paid to Be a Youth Minister’s Husband

At the end of May, Lauren and I moved from Pflugerville to the thriving metropolis, Canton, TX, population 3,500. Probably closer to 5,000 if you count all of the cows. On June 1, Lauren began working as the youth minister at the Canton Church of Christ, and I started getting paid for her great work… :)

Rather than writing about everything we have done, I thought I would show you some pictures from a few youth group gatherings and activities. Before sharing pictures, let me share a few things we have learned while in Canton.

1.      The stars at night really are big and bright *clap, clap, clap, clap* deep in the heart of Texas. It has been nice to get away from the city lights.

2.      It should only take about 8-10 minutes to drive 10 miles if driving at highway speeds. It has been nice to get away from the city traffic.

3.      Many people are still quite polite, courteous, and respectful. It has been nice to get from the city…in general.

Okay now for some pictures of the youth group.

Lauren and I with the high schoolers for the High School Fun Trip to play Whirlyball and eat at the Magic Time Machine in Dallas.

Jacob getting ready to play a crazy game of Panty Wrestling at game night in July.

Bryce preparing to eat baby food for answering a question wrong in class.

Bryce spitting up baby food.

Lauren, Emily, and Megan, the “laundry crew,” at our end of summer service weekend at Camp of the Hills near Marble Falls.

Brady and Riley, the “digging crew.”

The “fence crew.”

Emily after the pie eating contest during the fall festival.

A part of the group who served at the Single Senior Luncheon at the church

Shelby serving at the Single Senior Luncheon

Catherine and Megan having a good time before the Christmas parade.

Emily and Shelby during the gift exchange at the Christmas Progressive Dinner.

Jarrett wearing his gift…an adult onesie.

Though the pictures seem to reveal otherwise, it has not all been “fun and games.” We have also had very serious times of study and devotion. One of our studies during the summer months was of the psalms, during which we learned about, memorized, and wrote prayers based on the psalms. It was a blessing to get to read these prayers when the teens would accidentally leave them in the youth room.

Most recently we completed part one of a four-part study. This first piece was titled “Genesis to Maps,” and we highlighted the major themes, or knuckles, of the story of the Bible (hence, we went from Genesis to the maps at the back of our bibles). In February, we will begin part two, entitled “Eyes to See, Ears to Hear.” In this part, we will focus our readings on Jesus’ words about the kingdom, which he says is “near” or “at hand.” What I hope we will come to see is that the kingdom is at work very near to us today. If we can recognize it, then we can better participate in it, which will be the focus of part three, “Hands to Serve.” Just so I don’t leave you hanging, part four will be covered in spring 2016, and it will focus on the ethics of our new life in Christ.

Overall it has been a great move for us, and we are thankful for the work God has brought us at the Canton Church of Christ.

- Matt

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