Since today is Ginny's 3rd birthday (at least according to her adoption paperwork), I figured I'd share a few pictures and a video. :) All of these pictures are from a phone, so they aren't great quality.
This is how Ginny sits/lays nearly every morning while Matt and I get ready for work. She is so weird... it cracks us up every single day.
Ok... I know... this dog is seriously spoiled. She is such a cuddler!
Ginny likes to visit G-Ma and Pops in Athens because she LOVES laying on their patio table!
Matt had to work late up at the school one night, so I had to drive back that evening and pick him up. I brought Ginny along for the ride. :)
This is Ginny's boyfriend, Jasper. :)
Lately we've been trying to teach Ginny how to "speak." She is great at snapping her teeth, but she doesn't really like to bark. I guess we should just be happy about that and leave it alone... but for some reason we think it's incredibly entertaining to try and make her bark.