Thursday, August 4, 2011

Close the Door

Ginny knows how to close the door... :)

Two weekends ago I was home by myself for a little while. I was cleaning the apartment so I was walking back and forth from the bedroom to the living room to the kitchen, etc. Ginny doesn't like to be left alone, so every time I would leave the room, she'd get up and follow me. I could tell she was getting irritated because we'd get to a different room and she'd plop herself on the ground and huff at me. (i tried telling her that i'd be right back, but she wouldn't listen!) After quite a while of the "back and forth" I was cleaning in our closet and I heard a door slam. It scared me half to death! I walked around the corner and noticed that the door was closed to our second bedroom. I opened the door slowly and looked in and Ginny was in her crate! I guess she got tired of following me around so she went into "her" bedroom, shut the door, and got in her crate! I had TEARS I was laughing so hard... silly dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! New posts! Jill & I were so tired of looking at that bike over and over and over.......:)