Monday, March 21, 2011


THIS is my motivation...

When I came across this picture after our trip to the lake I had to do a double take. Is that really me? Yep... that is me. A me that weighs 20lbs too much!

This is not the first time I have realized that I need to get into shape and lose some weight. In fact, I've been saying this for quite some time now. A few years, actually. It's time to actually do something about it! So... I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to document this journey, but I decided to make it public so people know and won't let me give up this time!

I may give an update every couple of days, or maybe just on a week to week basis. We'll see. Consider this my official announcement that I AM GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT AND BE IN BETTER SHAPE! Words of encouragment I'm sure will always be appreciated. ;-)


Summer said...

encouragement, encouragement, can DO IT!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think that you're beautiful, but then I always have! I'll try to keep encouraging. I'm trying to do better myself - just can't get the exercise motivation:).