Saturday, August 7, 2010

Walking Again

On Wednesday the doctor told me to start trying to put weight on my foot and to star trying to walk a little. I was so frustrated on Thursday because I tried over and over again just to put the SLIGHTEST bit of weight on it and I just couldn't do it! Then, on Friday its like it just clicked! Now, I still can't just jump up and walk, and I'm not evenly distributing the weight yet, but I'm doing pretty good! I've graduated from crutches to a cane. I still have a REALLY long way to go, but I'm pleased with the progress - not to mention it is SO nice to be able to do a few things on my own again. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Matt pampering and serving me but it DOES get frustrating feeling so helpless!

On another note - I hopefully have two job interviews next week. Please, please, PLEASE keep me in your prayers. The situation at the Pointe has gotten really bad and I don't think I could stand to go back. Please pray that something else works out for me. Thank you!

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