Sunday, August 29, 2010

One More

Summer told me not to post any more pictures of my foot because they're disgusting... ;-) but I have one more! The scab finally came off! It feels SO much better! So... if there are going to be any more pictures of my foot it will be when it is COMPLETELY healed so it shouldn't be gross (unless you have a foot fetish or something). :) So here ya go!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This scab is going to fall off any day.... and boy, will I be glad when it does!! It hurts more to walk on it right now because of that scab! Its loose all around the edges, just not in the middle yet. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday, September 1st.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls

I woke up this morning and immediately had a craving for cinnamon rolls. I'd never really MADE cinnamon rolls and I didn't feel like getting dressed and going to the store to buy some in a can. I got online and started looking at some different recipes, trying to find one that 1. didn't take hours to let it rise and 2. (most importantly) required only ingredients that we already had. Surprisingly, I found one and they were DELICIOUS! We took some pictures of them but, long story short, ended up not being able to get them off our camera. So, no pictures but I'll share the recipe!

3/4 cup milk
2 cups flour
4 tbsps. shortening
4 tsps. baking powder (i misread the recipe and put 4 TABLESPOONS of baking soda, haha! i just scooped some of it out.... they still turned out!! :))
1 tsp. salt


Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in shortening. Stir in milk. Turn out on lightly floured board or pastry cloth. Knead about 1/2 minute. Roll out to rectangular shape, 1/2 in. thick.

Brush dough with melted butter. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon (nuts would be good too). Roll like jellyroll; slice 1/2 in. thick. (I'm pretty sure I cut bigger pieces than that... I wanted monster cinnamon rolls!) Melt some shortening in bottom of pan (i used spray). Place rolls in pan and bake.

Bake 12-15 minutes; 475°F; 15 to 20 biscuits


8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup cream cheese
1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract (i just realized that i completely forgot to add vanilla! Luckily it was still good icing!)
1/8 teaspoon salt

Blend with mixer until light and fluffy

New Foot Pictures

My foot is healing pretty well. I've been meaning to take a picture of it for a while since all of the marker finally washed off. It still looks kind of gross in the picture because it just started peeling some around the edges of it. None of the skin has actually come off yet, but it just gets air or water under there and kind of puffs up. Anyway, here it is!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I found this picture the other day and I really liked it. I edited it quite a bit to take out some clutter in the background. Just thought I'd share!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Walking Again

On Wednesday the doctor told me to start trying to put weight on my foot and to star trying to walk a little. I was so frustrated on Thursday because I tried over and over again just to put the SLIGHTEST bit of weight on it and I just couldn't do it! Then, on Friday its like it just clicked! Now, I still can't just jump up and walk, and I'm not evenly distributing the weight yet, but I'm doing pretty good! I've graduated from crutches to a cane. I still have a REALLY long way to go, but I'm pleased with the progress - not to mention it is SO nice to be able to do a few things on my own again. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Matt pampering and serving me but it DOES get frustrating feeling so helpless!

On another note - I hopefully have two job interviews next week. Please, please, PLEASE keep me in your prayers. The situation at the Pointe has gotten really bad and I don't think I could stand to go back. Please pray that something else works out for me. Thank you!

Friday, August 6, 2010


I think this is pretty cool!! :)

Michael Gungor

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Osteros Family

I'm writing this post to request prayers and, if you're able to, financial support.

Many of you already know about my friend, Rebekah. She was recently diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. She is 28 and has a husband and 3 kids and no insurance. She has already had a couple of surgeries and is scheduled for another surgery tomorrow morning. She has also had MANY tests done. So far, the surgeries seem to be working but she still has a long way to go and the medical bills are piling up. The church has blessed her tremendously helping with medical bills, regular bills, food, you name it! However, the money quickly runs out. To add to this, she just informed me that their 12 year old nephew was in a bad, and dangerous, situation at home so they have taken him in.

Bekah is a very generous and giving person. Since my foot surgery, she has kept our freezer COMPLETELY STOCKED with food... for us. This is a time that the church can give back to her, in whatever way you're able to. It has been a true blessing to see the church step up in this situation - congregations from all over the nation have been stepping up to help. She told me today that she got some help from Alaska!

Anyway, we can all certainly help by keeping her and her family in our prayers. If you're willing and able to help out financially, I can get you the information needed to make sure it gets to her. Thank you!

Here is Bekah with her husband, Beau, and their three kids:

I just had to add this picture too because it cracks me up! See? They really DO have their hands full! ;-)

Nature Boy

I just stumbled upon this video today and really liked it. Most of this group's other songs are kind of weird, but I liked this cover! So I thought I'd share! :)

The whole picture won't show on my blog - so if you're really interested in seeing the full screen, you can click on the link below to view the video on YouTube

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


If you haven't seen the movie Inception - GO SEE IT! Matt and I both really enjoyed it. I thought it was really REALLY good!

Stitches Out

I went to the doctor today to have my stitches taken out. There were five stitches in there and none of them hurt until the VERY LAST ONE. Oh my goodness it hurt!! I think it was more scabbed in that spot or something. Then, the doctor pushed back on my toe and IT HURT TOO! It wasn't the most pleasant doctors visit, but I finally got to see the incision! It looks pretty gross... I haven't gotten to wash it yet, so there is still marker on it from the surgery. I'm sure it will look different once its cleaned up. They put bandages back on it, but said I can take them off tonight to wash it. I can now slowly start putting weight on it and trying to walk! So anyway, here are two gross pictures of it! :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

More of Jonathan

Uncle Matt and Jonathan....

Jonathan sleeping with G-Ma...

Jonathan and G-Ma...