My friend Ginny is doing OK. She broke both shoulders, busted her chin open, tore her ear cannal and busted up her knees real bad. She will never be able to use her arms again. All that being said, she is in pretty good spirits! I just went to see her last night and she was in a great mood and had me laughing! Please continue to pray for her!
Work hasn't been so great lately. There are a lot of bad, unethical things going on within the administration. It has been going on for a while now, but it is getting to the point where I don't know how much longer I'll be staying. It would be so hard for me to leave the residents, but it might be the best decision for me right now. The one thing that is comforting is that, living just down the street from the facility, I could always go back and volunteer or even just visit the residents. Anyway, it has been a really difficult situation so I would appreciate prayers as I try to get things situated!
On a much lighter note, here are some pictures of Jonathan! (the first two are from a phone, so they are smaller)
Jonathan smiling....

Easter Sunday
1 comment:
I'm so glad that Ginny is in good spirits even with her injuries. That is a real blessing. Praying that God will open the doors for you and show you the direction to go. Love you!
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