It didn't really hurt anymore, it was just a little tender. I couldn't help but laugh! I called Matt and said, "Man I wish you could see this!!" Unfortunately for Matt (and fortunately for ME) the swelling went down pretty quickly. It was still a LITTLE big on that one side for the rest of the day, but nothing like it was when I first woke up!
My swollen lip was the first adventure of the morning, but little did I know that there was more to come! When I walked over to my sink I found a scorpion in there! I was so scared and I had no idea what to do! I had never seen a scorpion before and it was way bigger than I had imagined them being. So, I considered squishing it with a shoe or something but the sink is kind of deep and in my head I imagined that if I didn't hit it or kill it with the first jab that it would jump onto the shoe and onto my arm and sting me. No joke, that is what I thought. Then I started to worry that it would crawl out of the sink and escape behind something and hide there until I reached to get something THEN it would sting me! I started frantically looking around for something to kill it with and one of the first things I saw was a can of OFF Bug Spray. I started spraying the scorpion non-stop for probably a full minute. There was literally a cloud of OFF around my bathroom counter. Once the air cleared a little bit I stepped back to the sink to see if it did anything. The scorpion was trying to crawl out of the sink but the sink was wet from the bug spray so it just kept slipping back into the sink. So I had now eliminated the possibility of it crawling out of the sink, but it was moving faster than ever now. I had to think fast. So I grabbed the bottle of Cucumber Melon Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Soap and covered the scorpion. It went crazy and started striking at the soap! It was able to work its way out of the first round of soap, but didn't survive the second...

Now... AFTER this was all said and done, I realized that what I had done was pretty silly! My emotions were a mixture of complete fear and fascination! When I told my mom the story she said, "Why couldn't you have just filled the sink with hot water and washed it down?" Well... that thought didn't even cross my mind. The reasonable and practical ways to get rid of the scorpion were far from my mind. So instead I killed it with OFF bug spray and Hand Soap.
So anyway - if you ever need to kill a scorpion and can't find practical ways to kill it, know that Hand Soap will do the trick! :)
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