Last week Matt and I gave the youth room a "makeover". It was really just a boring room and certainly didn't give an "inviting" feel. We painted one full wall, then half of another. We also fixed up the bulletin board, then just cleaned up some! Considering how different it looks, we really didn't do a whole lot! We forgot to take "before" pictures, but here are some after we finished...

The section that we painted...
The bulletin board. GYG stands for Glenwood Youth Group. Along the bottom are clippings from magazines. We want them to utilize it as a "prayer board" and post prayers, prayer requests, pictures of things going on in the world, etc. Hopefully they will use it!
Here is a slideshow of all of the pictures of the new youth room...
Matt and I finally gave into the "croc" thing. I never liked them that much, really. People always told me they were really comfortable but I never bought it. They look like plastic, so I couldn't imagine that they were comfortable and worth the money. A while back, Justin (from church) told us that he had gotten some and that they were the most comfortable shoes that he owned. He had been kind of like us, thinking they couldn't be that great, but his wife bought him some and from that moment on he was a changed man. :) Haha, so anyway Matt bought us both a pair. Mine are a different style than most of the crocs, but I really like them. For the record, they ARE comfortable! They are really light weight, durable and water proof. So anyway, here is a picture of us in our new crocs...
On Saturday Matt and I took June (the lady I'm living with) to Whitehouse Pizza in Carbondale. I have mentioned going there before. It is our favorite pizza place here! It is VERY good and very different and unique from regular pizza places. We had told June about it and she had never been so we decided to take her. She is so much fun to sit around and talk to! We enjoyed taking her out to lunch and visiting with her for a while.
On Friday we decided to make a trip to Aspen. It is only 40 minutes from Glenwood, but we had never been to check it out. We drove up to Indepence Pass first. Matt had been there before, but I hadn't. The roads going up there were VERY narrow in places! Matt said that it was better now because last time he went they didn't have guard rails in some places! Anyway, here are some pictures from our trip!

Matt got some really cool panaramic pictures! This one was at the Indepence Ghost Town. You can see some tin roofs on some old cabins at the bottom of the picture. There are more pictures from the ghost town in the slideshow below.

Aspen trees....

This was the view from the top of Indepence Pass...

Playing in the snow on August 1st, 2008! This is our snowman, Wilbur.

We would keep slipping/sinking in the snow and we were both wearing sandals! It was SO COLD! We aren't all that used to snow anyway, but especially not in August in our shorts and sandals! We had fun throwing snowballs and making snow angels and snowmen.

After enjoying Indepence Pass and the cool ghost town, we went into Aspen to grab a bite to eat. Although driving through Aspen is really cool, and the scenery is really nice, I don't think I would EVER want to live there! It is crowded (parking was nearly impossible... and EXPENSIVE!) and everyone we ran into there was filthy rich! It is definitely a tourist town. Also, the few places we stopped in town took only cash or local checks... but yet they still charge $7 for a sandwich! We had just enough cash to get two small burritos, a canned Dr. Pepper and a Gatorade! Since we had no money left, we went ahead and headed for our next adventure. We went to the Aspen Recreational Center. We went ice skating and swimming! Matt did most of the ice skating because it was pretty hard on my knee, but I enjoyed watching him! The pool there is really big and really nice! We laughed because we looked like such kids in the pool. They had a lazy river which is where we spent most of our time (along with all the kids) floating on bright colored noodles. They also had these things that shot out big streams of water and a waterfall type thing that we had a blast playing in! There was also a huge waterslide that we both did and a nice big hot tub! Needless to say, we had a good time swimming! :)
On our way back toward Glenwood we drove through Snowmass (just outside of Aspen) and drove around the residential areas some. Snowmass is where Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn live. The houses there were AMAZINGLY huge! We drove all the way to the top of one mountain and found two or three driveways that were blocked off. They had the nice gates and the call box things and everything. Matt and I looked on last night at what the prices of some houses in Aspen are. We knew they would be outrageous because we have heard some house prices in Glenwood, and we knew Aspen would be worse. One of the houses listed on the site is $60,000,000!!! Pretty ridiculous....
All in all, we had a really nice trip! Here are a few more of the pictures from our trip...
Matt preached this past Sunday on the topic of Worship. I will just copy what he had to say about it from the updates he sends his family.
Sunday was sermon day! As I told you in my last update, I was in line to preach on Sunday. It went really well. I preached on the topic of "Worship," talking about both corporate and daily worship and showing how they relate. I talked about how we need a change (SCARY WORD!) and at one point I spoke about how, so many times today, our worship has become boring. Surprisingly, many of them enjoyed the sermon (or at least pretended to)--one lady told me I was a great public speaker and spoke with such excitement, but she didn't agree with what I said. It was then that I knew I had done my job. She was still caught up in "worship is boring." She mentioned that "the older songs are so much more meaningful and more deep than the newer songs, so they are needed." She completely missed the point--regardless, I just said thanks and let her know I wasn't necessarily talking about the music (because that wasn't at all what I meant--I think people think of worship as just the music sometimes). BUT, I gave her something to think about--whether she agrees or not, it has challenged her thinking which is a start!
We thought it was pretty funny about the lady who told him she didn't agree with him. It was funny because she kept going on and on about how great he did and how well he presented it then, without missing a beat, said "Now I don't agree with what you said, but you did a great job!" Matt really DID do a great job! It is tough to preach on a topic like that without stepping on some toes, but it went over really well. One lady told him he had guts to be able to preach like that! Haha! I think Matt really enjoyed preaching and is looking forward to having another opportunity sometime soon!
Well, I hope you enjoyed all of the pictures and stories! Matt and I only have a week left here in Glenwood Springs! It is hard to believe that the summer has flown by so quickly! We have a busy week ahead of us, so check back for more updates!
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