A LOT has been happening here in Austin, TX! This is honestly one of the first times I have had a chance to sit down and update my blog! I will try to recap what all has been going on without writing TOO much.... although it IS a lot of information!
Matt and I got here on Friday afternoon/evening. We were going to "Hampton House" the place where I was living. We had a disassembled bunk bed and two mattresses in the back of his truck. When we are only about five miles from the house, we hit STOPPED traffic and it begins to rain. First just a sprinkle, then practically a downpour. Needless to say, by the time we got to the house, the mattresses were pretty wet. We carried them into my room and sat them up against the walls to let them dry. We started looking around and checking out the place. Neither of us really said it, but we were both thinking the same thing: This really isn't very nice. Now, I had gone to check it out beforehand, but mainly just my bedroom. When we started looking closer, we realized the house really wasn't in good shape. My light didn't work, the carpet was stained, there were cracks in the walls, the doors stuck and were sometimes nearly impossible to open or close, the bathroom was tiny (and was to be shared between six girls), the bathroom was dirty and stained, and the toilet would SOMETIMES flush... Are you getting the picture? I didn't complain much, I tried to just think positively about it, but that was becoming a hard thing to do. Finally Matt just came out and said, "Lauren, I don't want you to have to live there." I immediately said, "ME NEITHER! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!" I hadn't signed any paperwork or paid any deposits and that point, so I knew I had a short time to see if I could find something else...
Meanwhile, Matt moved in with the Swinney family. They are a family from the Pond Springs Church of Christ. Matt had talked to some people from that church about possibly working with them. He got really excited about the possibility and we both, for some reason, felt really good about the church. However, just before we moved to Austin he was told that they didn't have it in their budget to hire him. Matt was pretty disappointed, but was thankful that they were still letting him live with a family there. So, we moved him in. He has a nice big room with an awesome space shuttle painted up on the wall (he was pretty excited about that), and the family is VERY nice and hospitable.
On Saturday, we got an email about a woman who was renting out a room in her house. A guy who works for Austin Grad (where Matt is going) has been helping us both with so many things! He has helped with housing, jobs, contacts... he has been very helpful and kind to us both. He sent us the email about this woman, Denise, and her available rooms. She is nearly 50 years old, Christian, single, has a huge house, and had rooms for $350/month... which is actually pretty cheap for this area, although it is still really expensive. I called her and left her a message explaining that I was looking for a room. Then I just anxiously awaited for a call back.
Later that evening, we were invited to a graduation party for a girl at Pond Springs (where Matt had wanted to work). They had food and a band (yes, a band) and different games and activities. Later, Matt said, "See, THIS is why I want to work with this church..." Everyone there was very kind and very laid back and easy going - we both felt very comfortable and welcome there. Anyway, while we were there I got a call back from Denise. She said she still had a room available and that I could stop by that night to check it out. We headed out to her house, visited with her for a while, and made plans to move in the next day. I was so relieved.
Sunday morning we went to Lake Travis Church of Christ - another church that was looking to hire Matt. On our way there, my stomach was already growling, but we didn't have time to stop anywhere. I told Matt, "Surely they have donuts or something... what kind of church doesn't have donuts?" When we pulled up I jokingly told Matt, "Now, if there aren't donuts... that's it. You can't work here, and we're not coming back." Sure enough, they DID NOT have donuts. So maybe I was just bitter from the start, but neither one of us were very impressed with the church. Whereas the people were very nice, it just didn't feel right... and they didn't have donuts.
Later on Sunday, Keith (from Pond Springs) called up Matt and said that he met with the church again, and he wanted to talk to us BOTH later that day. It turns out, they did NOT have it in their budget to hire Matt, but apparently they liked us enough that individuals in the church were willing to team up and support both of us! They offered Matt a part time position as a youth/outreach minister plus a paycheck once a month, and they offered me free housing with a family! Whereas I won't be getting an actual paycheck from them, they offered to help out with food or other expenses occasionally in return for some help with the youth and elementary programs.
We were so excited about getting to work with the church, but all I could think about was how I had JUST moved in at Denise's house, and how now they were offering me free housing. I knew that she wouldn't be upset or anything like that, but I felt bad about moving in one day, then moving out the next, and I was nervous about telling her. The next morning she asked how the meeting went with the church and I told her what they offered me. She literally threw her hands in the air and shouted, "HONEY! THATS AWESOME! I'D MAKE FUN OF YOU IF YOU DIDN'T TAKE THAT!" Haha, so her excitement for me made it much easier! Then she told me that she knew I was busy with school starting that week, and that I was welcome to stay there for the week without paying her anything. She is VERY nice, and I was VERY relieved that she was so excited for me. I AM still living with Denise right now, but I am meeting the family I'll be moving in with tonight at church. I imagine I'll move in with them either Thursday or Friday.
So as you can see, things have been very hectic! I also have a job interview with Lifeway Christian Bookstore later this evening to see if I can work something out there.
Last night Matt had a new student orientation at Austin Grad. I was invited to come with him, so we both went. They had a dinner, then the orientation part. The people there are SO nice! As I said before, one of the men here, Kirk, has helped us out tremendously with our move here. Every single person that I have met here has been more than helpful. I told Matt, "I'm not really going to - but the people here make me want to transfer here... they're all so nice!" I think it is a great place to be, and I think Matt will really enjoy it there.
I started classes on Monday and was quickly reminded that I am no longer on a Christian campus. My history teacher was quick to use every word in the book, and tell us all about drinking, naked ladies, "getting a gal's blouse off", and how he is a conservative republican. Plus, he is 77 years old. Everyone smokes directly outside of each building, so as soon as I walk outside the smoke hits me like a brick wall. It's not as bad as I make it sound, but as I mentioned, it was a quick reminder that I wasn't at a Christian school anymore! :)
Well, I think that is plenty for now. God is really blessing us here and opening a lot of doors, but He is also keeping us very busy! Although I am certainly thankful for the blessings, I will be happy when things slow down a bit.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Terrible Blogger
I know I have been an awful blogger lately... but I promise I haven't completely given up! The first part of my "blogger break" was just me being lazy and enjoying being home! The second part has been because it has been so busy! Matt and I are in the process of getting all moved in down in Austin and trying to get ready for school next week. I PROMISE that once I get settled in, I will work on some updates! So don't give up on me just yet! :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We're Home
I know I haven't made a new update - but we ARE home! We got in on Monday around lunch time and picked up some Taco Casa to eat lunch with my mom. We had a LOOOONG trip home, but made it without any big adventures or setbacks. I will post more pictures and stories later! Just wanted to let everyone know we made it home safely!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Tonight is our last night in Glenwood Springs. Matt and I are heading back to Texas tomorrow after church. This entire post is some random thoughts that I really couldn't figure out how to word and type into a document. They are just the thoughts that come to my head tonight. Whether or not they make sense?? Who knows. Just some thoughts. Pray.
Please pray for us both, especially me, because I am having a hard time with leaving. It's not that I don't want to leave this PLACE but rather that I hate leaving the youth group. As many of you know, we started off the summer having a lot of struggles getting the youth group together. We couldn't get them to come to things, to speak up in class, to do anything! Just in the last two or three weeks they have really stepped up. We have seen leaders step up, youth who are ready and willing to serve, and a sense of unity that has grown amongst them. Recently, I told Matt, "Now THAT is a youth group!" It seems that it has taken nearly the entire three months of summer to get to this point, and now we are leaving them. I know it is not our fault, and that we did our job and we did our best, but tonight my heart is heavy with a sense of guilt and sadness. There isn't really anyone at the church who is taking over the position of "youth minister". It is not in their plans to hire a full time youth minister, but rather to focus on the "family" aspect of the church, and not a youth group separately. I feel like we are just leaving the youth out to dry. Some of them have even said to us, "We're finally together like a group and now you are leaving us! We're just going to die again..." That is all I can hear in my head tonight. Again, I know its not my fault... but I can't help but take it a little hard. Pray.
I hope and pray that the church leaders will find something for the youth - they deserve it. I also pray that the youth doesn't give up - that they continue to be strong leaders and initiate their own devotionals, hang out times, service projects, etc. I think that praying and encouraging is all I can do at this point.
I want to ask a very specific request tonight. Pray for these youth by name. These are amazing youth and they, and the entire church, need prayers for their future. These are just a few of the youth that are listed - but these are some of the ones that could make the greatest impact on the future of the Glenwood Youth Group.
Neal - Neal is an amazing guy! He is one of the few that you can count on to speak up in class and help start discussions. He is a leader and I am always blown away by the amazing answers, ideas, and thoughts that he shares about his faith. Neal stepped up a few weeks ago and offered to lead a prayer during services. Matt had encouraged him to do it. Afterwards I was amazed when he came up to Matt and said, "I'm glad I did that. I think that could be the next step in my walk of faith. Thanks."
Glenna - Glenna is Neal & Tucker's older sister. She is VERY smart and mature for her age. It shows in her that she loves God. At the beginning of the summer she went on a mission trip with the church and came back on fire for God! She was ready to work out ways to bring back what she had learned to Glenwood. She has talked to us about ways to serve in the community and ways to get involved. She is very open about her faith and is always willing to share it with anyone she meets.
Adam - Adam is a natural leader, but doesn't realize it. He has amazing potential, but hasn't really been given the opportunity to show it. He needs opportunities and guidance and he could be a GREAT leader.
Zack - Zack first comes off as kind of quiet and shy, but we know better. He has an awesome personality and, when you get to know him, is such an awesome person! He is just a great friend and a great person and could really draw people in to the youth group.
Alex - Alex is Zack's older sister. She just graduated, but will be going to a college nearby. Although "technically" she will be out of the youth group, there is still SO much that she can do. She has also approached us and asked about ways to help in the community. She is great at calling people up and inviting them to things and encouraging people to be involved. She is a huge asset to the youth group.
Taylor - Taylor hasn't come to much this summer, really just a few classes. However, just from that, it is CLEAR that he is an awesome leader! When he IS in class he speaks up and gives awesome answers, encourages other people, makes people laugh and is just an all around great leader. Pray that he sees his potential and uses it for God and to help the youth group.
John - John has absolutely blown us away the past few weeks! Him and his brother, Jhonny, have been such a huge gift to the youth group. They don't care what anybody thinks or says about them. They are so honest and down to earth and they have such caring and serving hearts. We have been encouraging the youth a lot to get involved with a homeless program here called "Feed My Sheep". We have tried collecting cans, having them bring donations... things like that. We just last night at the Rockies game, we passed a homeless man on the street. John, without hesitating, stopped and talked to the guy for a minute then gave him every bit of money he had left in his pocket. This is even more amazing because John and his family don't have much as it is. Later, when I asked John about it, he just shrugged and told me what he did like it was something EVERYONE should do.... because it is. I tried to tell him how awesome it was that he did that, but he just realized it was the RIGHT thing to do. John and his family are so giving and so REAL, that they are also a huge asset to the church and the youth group.
Please pray for all of the youth here - they need your prayers. Please pray for Matt and me. We both have a hard time leaving the youth group not knowing what the future holds for them. Give us faith and patience that we will see the fruits of our labor. Pray.
Besides just the youth, we have built many other relationships that will be hard to leave. I told June "Goodnight" tonight then realized it is my last night to stay here with her in her house. She has been such a blessing to me and has been so hospitable. I could never thank her enough or explain to her how much I appreciate her - so pray that she can somehow know. We have made many other close friends in our time here, and I pray that we can keep in touch with them all.
I feel like this entire post is rambling and random stories and thoughts. In case you haven't noticed though, "pray" has showed up a few times. I'm having a tough time tonight... I'm VERY excited to go home, but I'm also very sad to leave this youth group. So to rephrase again - PRAY.
Please pray for us both, especially me, because I am having a hard time with leaving. It's not that I don't want to leave this PLACE but rather that I hate leaving the youth group. As many of you know, we started off the summer having a lot of struggles getting the youth group together. We couldn't get them to come to things, to speak up in class, to do anything! Just in the last two or three weeks they have really stepped up. We have seen leaders step up, youth who are ready and willing to serve, and a sense of unity that has grown amongst them. Recently, I told Matt, "Now THAT is a youth group!" It seems that it has taken nearly the entire three months of summer to get to this point, and now we are leaving them. I know it is not our fault, and that we did our job and we did our best, but tonight my heart is heavy with a sense of guilt and sadness. There isn't really anyone at the church who is taking over the position of "youth minister". It is not in their plans to hire a full time youth minister, but rather to focus on the "family" aspect of the church, and not a youth group separately. I feel like we are just leaving the youth out to dry. Some of them have even said to us, "We're finally together like a group and now you are leaving us! We're just going to die again..." That is all I can hear in my head tonight. Again, I know its not my fault... but I can't help but take it a little hard. Pray.
I hope and pray that the church leaders will find something for the youth - they deserve it. I also pray that the youth doesn't give up - that they continue to be strong leaders and initiate their own devotionals, hang out times, service projects, etc. I think that praying and encouraging is all I can do at this point.
I want to ask a very specific request tonight. Pray for these youth by name. These are amazing youth and they, and the entire church, need prayers for their future. These are just a few of the youth that are listed - but these are some of the ones that could make the greatest impact on the future of the Glenwood Youth Group.
Neal - Neal is an amazing guy! He is one of the few that you can count on to speak up in class and help start discussions. He is a leader and I am always blown away by the amazing answers, ideas, and thoughts that he shares about his faith. Neal stepped up a few weeks ago and offered to lead a prayer during services. Matt had encouraged him to do it. Afterwards I was amazed when he came up to Matt and said, "I'm glad I did that. I think that could be the next step in my walk of faith. Thanks."
Glenna - Glenna is Neal & Tucker's older sister. She is VERY smart and mature for her age. It shows in her that she loves God. At the beginning of the summer she went on a mission trip with the church and came back on fire for God! She was ready to work out ways to bring back what she had learned to Glenwood. She has talked to us about ways to serve in the community and ways to get involved. She is very open about her faith and is always willing to share it with anyone she meets.
Adam - Adam is a natural leader, but doesn't realize it. He has amazing potential, but hasn't really been given the opportunity to show it. He needs opportunities and guidance and he could be a GREAT leader.
Zack - Zack first comes off as kind of quiet and shy, but we know better. He has an awesome personality and, when you get to know him, is such an awesome person! He is just a great friend and a great person and could really draw people in to the youth group.
Alex - Alex is Zack's older sister. She just graduated, but will be going to a college nearby. Although "technically" she will be out of the youth group, there is still SO much that she can do. She has also approached us and asked about ways to help in the community. She is great at calling people up and inviting them to things and encouraging people to be involved. She is a huge asset to the youth group.
Taylor - Taylor hasn't come to much this summer, really just a few classes. However, just from that, it is CLEAR that he is an awesome leader! When he IS in class he speaks up and gives awesome answers, encourages other people, makes people laugh and is just an all around great leader. Pray that he sees his potential and uses it for God and to help the youth group.
John - John has absolutely blown us away the past few weeks! Him and his brother, Jhonny, have been such a huge gift to the youth group. They don't care what anybody thinks or says about them. They are so honest and down to earth and they have such caring and serving hearts. We have been encouraging the youth a lot to get involved with a homeless program here called "Feed My Sheep". We have tried collecting cans, having them bring donations... things like that. We just last night at the Rockies game, we passed a homeless man on the street. John, without hesitating, stopped and talked to the guy for a minute then gave him every bit of money he had left in his pocket. This is even more amazing because John and his family don't have much as it is. Later, when I asked John about it, he just shrugged and told me what he did like it was something EVERYONE should do.... because it is. I tried to tell him how awesome it was that he did that, but he just realized it was the RIGHT thing to do. John and his family are so giving and so REAL, that they are also a huge asset to the church and the youth group.
Please pray for all of the youth here - they need your prayers. Please pray for Matt and me. We both have a hard time leaving the youth group not knowing what the future holds for them. Give us faith and patience that we will see the fruits of our labor. Pray.
Besides just the youth, we have built many other relationships that will be hard to leave. I told June "Goodnight" tonight then realized it is my last night to stay here with her in her house. She has been such a blessing to me and has been so hospitable. I could never thank her enough or explain to her how much I appreciate her - so pray that she can somehow know. We have made many other close friends in our time here, and I pray that we can keep in touch with them all.
I feel like this entire post is rambling and random stories and thoughts. In case you haven't noticed though, "pray" has showed up a few times. I'm having a tough time tonight... I'm VERY excited to go home, but I'm also very sad to leave this youth group. So to rephrase again - PRAY.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Cool Weather
Matt and I are ready to get home and see family and friends, but we sure will miss the cool weather here! Here is a snapshot of the current weather...

NOW, this IS at 10:05pm, but it has been quite a bit cooler the last week or so. It has been upper 70's and lower 80's and VERY enjoyable! Then I call home and mom tells me its 102 degrees! It will definitely be a hard transition to make since we have been getting used to the cooler weather lately - especially the last week here!
Anyway, I just wanted to share that bit of information with all of you who are sweating it out in the Texas heat! (I can only rub it in for a couple more days - so I might as well!) :)
Anyway, I just wanted to share that bit of information with all of you who are sweating it out in the Texas heat! (I can only rub it in for a couple more days - so I might as well!) :)
Casa de la Esperanza
This week the Park Avenue youth group is on their mission trip to Casa de la Esperanza.
Around 5:30am on Sunday morning one of the youth group boys sent Matt a text message telling him that they were leaving for Casa. When Matt tried to respond, he accidentally sent it to me instead. No matter how hard I tried, I could NOT get back to sleep. All I could think about were the kids at Casa and how much I longed to be there with them. When I talked to Matt the next morning he said he was thinking about them a lot too. We both have a special feeling in our hearts when we think about Casa and the love that we have for them all and the passion to do the work of the Lord in that kind of ministry.
If you remember, there was one kid in particular that I just really fell in love with while we were there. His name is Saul. This whole week I find myself thinking about him, and all of the other kids at Casa and how much my heart yearns to help them and, if nothing else, just to be there to love them. Matt kind of teased me tonight because when I started talking about Saul and how much I just want to be there to play with him and to love him, I got a little teary eyed! I tried my best to hide it, but he still caught me. There is a very special place in my heart for Saul and every other amazing kid at that orphanage.
Wes has been sending update emails throughout the week, so I requested a picture of Saul if he could get one. If I happen to get a new picture of him, I will be sure to post it. For now, here is a picture that I took with him last summer during our visit...

Around 5:30am on Sunday morning one of the youth group boys sent Matt a text message telling him that they were leaving for Casa. When Matt tried to respond, he accidentally sent it to me instead. No matter how hard I tried, I could NOT get back to sleep. All I could think about were the kids at Casa and how much I longed to be there with them. When I talked to Matt the next morning he said he was thinking about them a lot too. We both have a special feeling in our hearts when we think about Casa and the love that we have for them all and the passion to do the work of the Lord in that kind of ministry.
If you remember, there was one kid in particular that I just really fell in love with while we were there. His name is Saul. This whole week I find myself thinking about him, and all of the other kids at Casa and how much my heart yearns to help them and, if nothing else, just to be there to love them. Matt kind of teased me tonight because when I started talking about Saul and how much I just want to be there to play with him and to love him, I got a little teary eyed! I tried my best to hide it, but he still caught me. There is a very special place in my heart for Saul and every other amazing kid at that orphanage.
Wes has been sending update emails throughout the week, so I requested a picture of Saul if he could get one. If I happen to get a new picture of him, I will be sure to post it. For now, here is a picture that I took with him last summer during our visit...

Keep all of the children at Casa de la Esperanza in your prayers, along with the Park Avenue youth group. This has been something that has really been on my heart and mind lately. Pray that the youth group can focus on what they are doing and why they are there, that they can work hard on whatever projects they've been given, and that they can touch the lives of the people at Casa de la Esperanza and be touched in return. Pray for the orphans at Casa. Pray that they see and appreciate the amazing things that Gil & Becky and the other staff there are doing for them. Pray that they never give up HOPE, and that they see and realize that God has big things in store for them.
Alone and unwanted she's never known love. A young girl arrives with less than enough; not enough sweet dreams or tuck ins late at night, not enough "I love you's" as they turn out the lights. She's taken from abuse, she's taken from the streets, taken from a world that never met her needs. She walks through the doors with tears in her eyes. Could this be the place to rebuild her broken life? She's helpless, she's hopeless, but in this House of Hope she's beautiful! In this Place of Peace she's love! She'll find ONE HOPE, she'll find ONE GOD, she'll find painted nails and fairy tales and more than those sweet dreams could ever bring.
(you can go listen to Matt's song "Esperanza" if you click HERE)
Alone and unwanted she's never known love. A young girl arrives with less than enough; not enough sweet dreams or tuck ins late at night, not enough "I love you's" as they turn out the lights. She's taken from abuse, she's taken from the streets, taken from a world that never met her needs. She walks through the doors with tears in her eyes. Could this be the place to rebuild her broken life? She's helpless, she's hopeless, but in this House of Hope she's beautiful! In this Place of Peace she's love! She'll find ONE HOPE, she'll find ONE GOD, she'll find painted nails and fairy tales and more than those sweet dreams could ever bring.
(you can go listen to Matt's song "Esperanza" if you click HERE)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Doggie Lullaby
Matt's mom sent this in an email today and I thought it was cute. :)
If the video doesn't work, click HERE to watch it
If the video doesn't work, click HERE to watch it
Monday, August 4, 2008
Glenwood Updates
Last week Matt and I gave the youth room a "makeover". It was really just a boring room and certainly didn't give an "inviting" feel. We painted one full wall, then half of another. We also fixed up the bulletin board, then just cleaned up some! Considering how different it looks, we really didn't do a whole lot! We forgot to take "before" pictures, but here are some after we finished...

The section that we painted...
Matt and I finally gave into the "croc" thing. I never liked them that much, really. People always told me they were really comfortable but I never bought it. They look like plastic, so I couldn't imagine that they were comfortable and worth the money. A while back, Justin (from church) told us that he had gotten some and that they were the most comfortable shoes that he owned. He had been kind of like us, thinking they couldn't be that great, but his wife bought him some and from that moment on he was a changed man. :) Haha, so anyway Matt bought us both a pair. Mine are a different style than most of the crocs, but I really like them. For the record, they ARE comfortable! They are really light weight, durable and water proof. So anyway, here is a picture of us in our new crocs...

On Saturday Matt and I took June (the lady I'm living with) to Whitehouse Pizza in Carbondale. I have mentioned going there before. It is our favorite pizza place here! It is VERY good and very different and unique from regular pizza places. We had told June about it and she had never been so we decided to take her. She is so much fun to sit around and talk to! We enjoyed taking her out to lunch and visiting with her for a while.
On Friday we decided to make a trip to Aspen. It is only 40 minutes from Glenwood, but we had never been to check it out. We drove up to Indepence Pass first. Matt had been there before, but I hadn't. The roads going up there were VERY narrow in places! Matt said that it was better now because last time he went they didn't have guard rails in some places! Anyway, here are some pictures from our trip!
Matt got some really cool panaramic pictures! This one was at the Indepence Ghost Town. You can see some tin roofs on some old cabins at the bottom of the picture. There are more pictures from the ghost town in the slideshow below.

Aspen trees....

This was the view from the top of Indepence Pass...

Playing in the snow on August 1st, 2008! This is our snowman, Wilbur.

We would keep slipping/sinking in the snow and we were both wearing sandals! It was SO COLD! We aren't all that used to snow anyway, but especially not in August in our shorts and sandals! We had fun throwing snowballs and making snow angels and snowmen.
After enjoying Indepence Pass and the cool ghost town, we went into Aspen to grab a bite to eat. Although driving through Aspen is really cool, and the scenery is really nice, I don't think I would EVER want to live there! It is crowded (parking was nearly impossible... and EXPENSIVE!) and everyone we ran into there was filthy rich! It is definitely a tourist town. Also, the few places we stopped in town took only cash or local checks... but yet they still charge $7 for a sandwich! We had just enough cash to get two small burritos, a canned Dr. Pepper and a Gatorade! Since we had no money left, we went ahead and headed for our next adventure. We went to the Aspen Recreational Center. We went ice skating and swimming! Matt did most of the ice skating because it was pretty hard on my knee, but I enjoyed watching him! The pool there is really big and really nice! We laughed because we looked like such kids in the pool. They had a lazy river which is where we spent most of our time (along with all the kids) floating on bright colored noodles. They also had these things that shot out big streams of water and a waterfall type thing that we had a blast playing in! There was also a huge waterslide that we both did and a nice big hot tub! Needless to say, we had a good time swimming! :)
On our way back toward Glenwood we drove through Snowmass (just outside of Aspen) and drove around the residential areas some. Snowmass is where Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn live. The houses there were AMAZINGLY huge! We drove all the way to the top of one mountain and found two or three driveways that were blocked off. They had the nice gates and the call box things and everything. Matt and I looked on realtor.com last night at what the prices of some houses in Aspen are. We knew they would be outrageous because we have heard some house prices in Glenwood, and we knew Aspen would be worse. One of the houses listed on the site is $60,000,000!!! Pretty ridiculous....
All in all, we had a really nice trip! Here are a few more of the pictures from our trip...
Matt preached this past Sunday on the topic of Worship. I will just copy what he had to say about it from the updates he sends his family.
Sunday was sermon day! As I told you in my last update, I was in line to preach on Sunday. It went really well. I preached on the topic of "Worship," talking about both corporate and daily worship and showing how they relate. I talked about how we need a change (SCARY WORD!) and at one point I spoke about how, so many times today, our worship has become boring. Surprisingly, many of them enjoyed the sermon (or at least pretended to)--one lady told me I was a great public speaker and spoke with such excitement, but she didn't agree with what I said. It was then that I knew I had done my job. She was still caught up in "worship is boring." She mentioned that "the older songs are so much more meaningful and more deep than the newer songs, so they are needed." She completely missed the point--regardless, I just said thanks and let her know I wasn't necessarily talking about the music (because that wasn't at all what I meant--I think people think of worship as just the music sometimes). BUT, I gave her something to think about--whether she agrees or not, it has challenged her thinking which is a start!
We thought it was pretty funny about the lady who told him she didn't agree with him. It was funny because she kept going on and on about how great he did and how well he presented it then, without missing a beat, said "Now I don't agree with what you said, but you did a great job!" Matt really DID do a great job! It is tough to preach on a topic like that without stepping on some toes, but it went over really well. One lady told him he had guts to be able to preach like that! Haha! I think Matt really enjoyed preaching and is looking forward to having another opportunity sometime soon!
Well, I hope you enjoyed all of the pictures and stories! Matt and I only have a week left here in Glenwood Springs! It is hard to believe that the summer has flown by so quickly! We have a busy week ahead of us, so check back for more updates!
Last week Matt and I gave the youth room a "makeover". It was really just a boring room and certainly didn't give an "inviting" feel. We painted one full wall, then half of another. We also fixed up the bulletin board, then just cleaned up some! Considering how different it looks, we really didn't do a whole lot! We forgot to take "before" pictures, but here are some after we finished...

The section that we painted...
The bulletin board. GYG stands for Glenwood Youth Group. Along the bottom are clippings from magazines. We want them to utilize it as a "prayer board" and post prayers, prayer requests, pictures of things going on in the world, etc. Hopefully they will use it!
Here is a slideshow of all of the pictures of the new youth room...
Matt and I finally gave into the "croc" thing. I never liked them that much, really. People always told me they were really comfortable but I never bought it. They look like plastic, so I couldn't imagine that they were comfortable and worth the money. A while back, Justin (from church) told us that he had gotten some and that they were the most comfortable shoes that he owned. He had been kind of like us, thinking they couldn't be that great, but his wife bought him some and from that moment on he was a changed man. :) Haha, so anyway Matt bought us both a pair. Mine are a different style than most of the crocs, but I really like them. For the record, they ARE comfortable! They are really light weight, durable and water proof. So anyway, here is a picture of us in our new crocs...
On Saturday Matt and I took June (the lady I'm living with) to Whitehouse Pizza in Carbondale. I have mentioned going there before. It is our favorite pizza place here! It is VERY good and very different and unique from regular pizza places. We had told June about it and she had never been so we decided to take her. She is so much fun to sit around and talk to! We enjoyed taking her out to lunch and visiting with her for a while.
On Friday we decided to make a trip to Aspen. It is only 40 minutes from Glenwood, but we had never been to check it out. We drove up to Indepence Pass first. Matt had been there before, but I hadn't. The roads going up there were VERY narrow in places! Matt said that it was better now because last time he went they didn't have guard rails in some places! Anyway, here are some pictures from our trip!

Matt got some really cool panaramic pictures! This one was at the Indepence Ghost Town. You can see some tin roofs on some old cabins at the bottom of the picture. There are more pictures from the ghost town in the slideshow below.

Aspen trees....

This was the view from the top of Indepence Pass...

Playing in the snow on August 1st, 2008! This is our snowman, Wilbur.

We would keep slipping/sinking in the snow and we were both wearing sandals! It was SO COLD! We aren't all that used to snow anyway, but especially not in August in our shorts and sandals! We had fun throwing snowballs and making snow angels and snowmen.

After enjoying Indepence Pass and the cool ghost town, we went into Aspen to grab a bite to eat. Although driving through Aspen is really cool, and the scenery is really nice, I don't think I would EVER want to live there! It is crowded (parking was nearly impossible... and EXPENSIVE!) and everyone we ran into there was filthy rich! It is definitely a tourist town. Also, the few places we stopped in town took only cash or local checks... but yet they still charge $7 for a sandwich! We had just enough cash to get two small burritos, a canned Dr. Pepper and a Gatorade! Since we had no money left, we went ahead and headed for our next adventure. We went to the Aspen Recreational Center. We went ice skating and swimming! Matt did most of the ice skating because it was pretty hard on my knee, but I enjoyed watching him! The pool there is really big and really nice! We laughed because we looked like such kids in the pool. They had a lazy river which is where we spent most of our time (along with all the kids) floating on bright colored noodles. They also had these things that shot out big streams of water and a waterfall type thing that we had a blast playing in! There was also a huge waterslide that we both did and a nice big hot tub! Needless to say, we had a good time swimming! :)
On our way back toward Glenwood we drove through Snowmass (just outside of Aspen) and drove around the residential areas some. Snowmass is where Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn live. The houses there were AMAZINGLY huge! We drove all the way to the top of one mountain and found two or three driveways that were blocked off. They had the nice gates and the call box things and everything. Matt and I looked on realtor.com last night at what the prices of some houses in Aspen are. We knew they would be outrageous because we have heard some house prices in Glenwood, and we knew Aspen would be worse. One of the houses listed on the site is $60,000,000!!! Pretty ridiculous....
All in all, we had a really nice trip! Here are a few more of the pictures from our trip...
Matt preached this past Sunday on the topic of Worship. I will just copy what he had to say about it from the updates he sends his family.
Sunday was sermon day! As I told you in my last update, I was in line to preach on Sunday. It went really well. I preached on the topic of "Worship," talking about both corporate and daily worship and showing how they relate. I talked about how we need a change (SCARY WORD!) and at one point I spoke about how, so many times today, our worship has become boring. Surprisingly, many of them enjoyed the sermon (or at least pretended to)--one lady told me I was a great public speaker and spoke with such excitement, but she didn't agree with what I said. It was then that I knew I had done my job. She was still caught up in "worship is boring." She mentioned that "the older songs are so much more meaningful and more deep than the newer songs, so they are needed." She completely missed the point--regardless, I just said thanks and let her know I wasn't necessarily talking about the music (because that wasn't at all what I meant--I think people think of worship as just the music sometimes). BUT, I gave her something to think about--whether she agrees or not, it has challenged her thinking which is a start!
We thought it was pretty funny about the lady who told him she didn't agree with him. It was funny because she kept going on and on about how great he did and how well he presented it then, without missing a beat, said "Now I don't agree with what you said, but you did a great job!" Matt really DID do a great job! It is tough to preach on a topic like that without stepping on some toes, but it went over really well. One lady told him he had guts to be able to preach like that! Haha! I think Matt really enjoyed preaching and is looking forward to having another opportunity sometime soon!
Well, I hope you enjoyed all of the pictures and stories! Matt and I only have a week left here in Glenwood Springs! It is hard to believe that the summer has flown by so quickly! We have a busy week ahead of us, so check back for more updates!
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