The first week of October was pretty crazy for me. I was just really loaded down with school stuff and activities and I was sure to let Matt know all about it, haha! I told Matt that he needed to come see me and he just kept saying things like, “You know I would if I could,” or “I have too much going on here right now.” Then on Tuesday we had a really hard softball practice after an already long day. I walked in to the apartment from softball practice and I was hot and sweaty and smelly and really just feeling pretty disgusting. When I came in Kirby and Jessica both looked at me kind of funny and laughed a little bit. I said, “What?” but neither one responded. I just brushed it off and went to my room exhausted. When I walked around the corner I could see that there was someone under my bed (keep in mind my bed is about five feet off the ground) but I didn’t know who it was. I slowed down a little but kept creeping around the corner. MATT WAS SITTING UNDER MY BED! I kept saying, “What are you doing here? What are you doing here?” Then I remembered how smelly I was so I said, “Aww… I smell really bad!” Haha! So AFTER I SHOWERED we got to spend a couple of days together. I also got the chance to experience something new while Matt was here. For the first time in my life, I ate at a Waffle House. I’ve driven past the Waffle House in Gainesville many times and I have never had any desire to eat there. I always assumed that they were dirty and smelly and full of smelly trucker men. Well they really are… but the waffles are AMAZING! I most likely won’t make a habit out of eating there, but it was pretty good! Anyway, I was glad that Matt was able to come up to visit. It was a very nice surprise. :)
Football! We are already more than half way through our intramural football season! Sorry I haven’t been keeping y’all updated. The truth is, you haven’t been missing out on too much! We haven’t had an awful season, really, but it hasn’t been that great either. We have playoffs pretty soon after we get back from Fall Break so I’ll keep y’all updated on our playoff status.
Softball… is over! The 28th and 29th of September we played Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock. We played double headers on Friday and Saturday. It was parent’s weekend and a home football game for Texas Tech so there weren’t any hotels that could fit our whole team. Therefore we had to drive to New Mexico to stay the night! It was a nice little “road trip” for the team. Although riding on the bus got old after a while, it was a pretty fun trip. AND, better yet, I had an awesome hit! I was really excited about it, haha! Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend. My big hit:
Hanging out in the dugout..
Those were our last games of the season! So for an ‘end of season party’ the coaches took us all out to eat at Olive Garden! They told us to get WHATEVER we wanted! I even got dessert! I was stuffed by the time we left, but it was still good (and FREE… for me, anyway!).
In my Principles of Electronic Business class we are making web pages for clients. I am in a group with two other people and we are creating a page for a woman that sells pickles. It sounds a little funny, but these are some pretty popular pickles around here! We have been working on it for a few weeks but last week one of the girls in my group brought a jar of “Jan’s Pickles”. They are Spicy Sweet Dill… or something like that. I think there is another word in there somewhere, but I don’t remember where! Anyway, I am not a huge fan of pickles. I don’t like them AT ALL on my hamburgers or anything like that. I can eat baby dill pickles IF I am in the mood for them. HOWEVER, these were the BEST pickles I have ever had in my life. They were soooo good! Once we get the website finished we should have it set up so you can order them online and have them shipped to you. When that happens I will post a link and everyone needs to order some! They are VERY good!
Ok I think I am about caught up to present time! I just got back to OC yesterday from Fall Break. So now I’ll explain what all I did during break!
I left OC on Thursday after our football game. We played the Freshmen and we WON! I had three interceptions and a touch down! I don’t usually have THAT good of a game, but I think I was ready to go home! I had my car all packed up and ready to hit the road. I think I played extra hard to try to hurry along the game and WIN! Haha! So anyway, I headed home late Thursday night and got in around 11ish that night.
On Friday morning I SLEPT IN! It was so nice. I went to lunch with mom then made my rounds at the bank. It takes me a long time to visit everyone there! Part of it is that I like to talk a lot, but they talk a lot too in my defense, haha! It was nice to see everyone and get to catch up on everything. When I left the bank I was heading out to the hospital to visit a friend. On my way there Matt called to tell me that he was in traffic on his way to Gainesville. He told me that he was still in Lewisville. Then he asked what I was doing and when I told him I was leaving the bank and going to the hospital he said, “Well dang! I’m actually about to pull in to your driveway… I was going to surprise you.” Haha! He is just full of surprises. So I went back home and picked him up and we headed to the hospital just to find out that my friend had been released just a few minutes before we got there! Oh well… it’s the thought that counts, right? That evening I went and got my hair cut! I have been thinking about cutting it short again for a while now but with softball I just really didn’t want it falling in my face all the time. Since softball is over now, I decided to go ahead and cut it! Matt came with me and had a wonderful time hanging out at the beauty shop. I like it short, Matt likes it short, mom likes it short, dad… well… I think he accepts it. Haha! I think sometimes he thinks my hair should still be past my rear end. After that we went out to eat with the Austin family then went to the Gainesville High School football game. It was kind of sad. They actually DID win the game (I heard it was their first district win in two years!!!) but it was still disappointing. When I was in high school we had AWESOME football teams! We even won state my junior year! It’s just weird to go out there and not see the AWESOME GAINESVILLE LEOPARDS! Oh well.
Saturday morning we all got up and went to Depot Days. Mom, dad, Matt, and I walked around for a little while just looking around until Jason, Summer and Elijah got there. We went and did some fun things with Elijah. Elijah REALLY wanted to go see the puppies… he kept telling me. I didn’t really care much for the puppies but I went anyway. Just kidding! I was dying to go see the puppies. That is my favorite part of Depot Days (along with looking at the old cars!). They didn’t have as many dogs this year as they have in the past but it was still fun. After playing with the dogs Elijah went into a pen area that had bunnies and piglets! He thought it was so cool. He would walk over and touch a bunny and when it would jump he would jump back and just laugh. After playing with them for a while he got to ride a pony! (On a side note: I, too, wanted to ride the pony and pet the bunnies and pigs, but my parents wouldn’t pay for it. I’m sure this topic will come up again years from now in therapy… thanks mom and dad.) :) We hung out for a while longer at Depot Days, spent over 30 minutes waiting on our Sonic food, then went back to the house.
Later that afternoon went up to the church building to meet the rest of the guys in Matt’s band so they could start setting up. Once they got all set up they just practiced for a while until time for it to start. We had a pretty good turn out! With Sonrise being such a small church we weren’t really sure how many people would come, but I was very pleased with the turnout. We had about 10-15 people come from Park Avenue! It was GREAT to get to see some of the youth group kids and some of the adults that Matt and I spent all summer with. I absolutely loved working there this summer and getting to know and love so many people there so it was great to see some of them again. We also had a group from a church in Woodbine. One of my good friends from high school’s fiancé is the youth minister there so she invited them all. They stood on the first row and I think they really enjoyed it! Elijah also really enjoyed the show! He was SO HYPER! He was running around clapping and dancing and doing a weird “air guitar with one leg in the air” kind of move… I don’t know what it was, but all of the ladies were watching him! He came up to me once during the show SO excited and he said, “Laur Laur, he has a GUITAR!” Then he just grinned then ran off dancing again. He is so funny to watch and listen to… he says the funniest things. I even got to sing one song with the band. I sang harmonies on the song “Esperanza”. That is the song written about the orphanage that we went to this summer. I was VERY nervous but it turned out ok. When we finished the song Matt made a comment about me singing with them then said, "Isn't she pretty?" Haha, I think he scored some bonus points with that little comment. :) The band did a really good job and I think everyone really enjoyed it! They sold quite a bit of merchandise and signed a few autographs (which I still think is funny… I don’t know why!). It was a lot of fun!
Here are some pictures from the night:
Elijah clapping and watching the band...
Me singing on stage...
The band seems do be doing pretty well right now. They are playing in a Battle of the Bands this weekend. If they place in the top 3 (out of 5 bands) they get to play at Shout Fest. Shout Fest is held in Sherman and will have a lot of big name Christian artists. It would be a pretty big deal if they got to play! We feel pretty confident that they will get to (or at least we hope so!). Then in February they are playing in Nashville! I don’t really understand what all that will entail but it should be fun! I will let y’all know more about what that is when I find out.
Jason preached the next morning at Sonrise and did a really good job. I love hearing him preach. Sometimes it’s kind of weird because I think, “That’s my brother… I didn’t know he could preach it!” :) He really does do a good job though. All during church Josiah, one of the younger kids at our church, kept following Matt around. We heard from Josiah’s dad that he was really excited about Matt’s band. All during the show Josiah was running around clapping and cheering. He cheered SO much that one of the band members gave him a free shirt and CD for being such a good fan. Josiah was running around wearing his shirt and holding up the CD yelling, “FREEEE! FREEEE!” Haha, he was real excited. So anyway, Josiah even came over to sit by Matt during church. Elijah came over and was sitting in Matt’s lap playing with him and Josiah leaned over to Matt and said, “So then… are you Elijah’s uncle?” Matt’s face was PRICELESS... and a little awkward!! Haha! I just looked at Matt waiting for his response. Matt said, “Well… no… not yet,” and Josiah said, “But he’s GOING TO BE, right?” By this point Matt and I were cracking up. When mom came and sat down I told her about it and she just said that she wished she could’ve seen Matt’s face.
After church, mom forced us to take a family picture. She yelled and screamed and forced us to the front of the church for a picture. Once we all stopped crying from her abuse, we were able to smile for a picture. :) I guess she wasn’t really THAT bad. We just always have to tease her because she is always making us take pictures. :) Anyway, here is the picture.Matt and I took some pictures in the van on the way home from church:

1 comment:
Your hair looks almost blond in some of those pictures:)
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